Rian Johnson Reveals New Star Wars Trilogy Details

Rian Johnson is still in the early stages of building his new Star Wars trilogy, but he plans on hitting the ground running. The Last Jedi director said in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter that he feels "creatively energized" after finishing the film and feels ready to "jump in and do it again right away" with the new set of movies.

Johnson previously said that his pitch for his new films was simple: "A new trilogy. Three movies, one story. New characters, new places." The director, who wanted the trilogy to "start fresh," reiterated that he's just starting to come up with the story, but he does plan on bringing lessons he learned from The Last Jedi with him, including his new knowledge of how to make a massive, visual effects-heavy film.

"It will be nice coming into the next one, knowing a little better how a machine this big works," he said. "It was such an unknown to me, whether the size of this and the scope of it would make it a different thing than I previously knew how to do. Now that I know that's not the case, I feel like I can come into it a little bit more without the trepidation of, 'Am I going to know how to do this?' Which feels good."

Johnson has yet to offer any concrete details for the new trilogy, and he told THR that he is less concerned with figuring out where it will fit in the timeline of the massive Star Wars universe and more concerned with figuring out the characters. "I'm more thinking of what's the story going to be, who is it going to follow?" he said. "What elements is it going to have? What kind of drama is in it? My head right now is more in that place."

Although The Last Jedi got a mixed reception from some fans, Johnson's trilogy still offers up a lot of interesting possibilities for the future of the franchise, and many fans are waiting with bated breath to hear more. "Right now I'm mostly excited by the potential and just starting to form little clusters of ideas of what it might become," Johnson teased.

None of the films in Johnson's trilogy have been given release dates yet.