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The Unexpected Source Of Breaking Bad's Meth Props Might Surprise You

Most of the time with props, filmmakers are able to simply use the actual objects they want in their scenes, making it easy to create authentic, convincing shots. However, when a scene features objects that are dangerous, extremely expensive, fake, or otherwise difficult to come by, props are sometimes used to create the illusion of an object without using the real thing. For example, actors may use props as stand-ins for diamonds, gold, and treasures, as well as guns, swords, and other weapons. 

"Breaking Bad" is all about meth, and the characters who produce, market, and distribute it. Because of this, many scenes in "Breaking Bad" require the drug to appear in the shots, sometimes in massive quantities. Obviously, it would not make sense to use real meth on the show because of both legal and financial reasons. The creators of the show had to come up with some sort of prop to use for meth — something that looks convincing but is also legal, safe, and ideally inexpensive. Luckily, they found the perfect solution for their meth props, and they helped out a local Albuquerque business in the process. The business is now one of several stops that fans can make in Albuquerque, a city so associated with "Breaking Bad" that its convention center now has bronze statues of main characters Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul).

The meth in Breaking Bad is rock candy from The Candy Lady store

What appears to be meth in "Breaking Bad" is actually rock candy from a local Albuquerque candy shop called The Candy Lady, owned by Debbie Ball. Ball told Vice that the candy is similar to the "super-saturated sugar solution that crawled up the string" that children often make in school. The original candy was clear, but later on, it was blue to reflect Walter White's new blue meth recipe. The show's creators approached Ball for the job of making the meth props because she already had a reputation for candy props for movies and TV, including "Shameless." 

Overall, Ball's involvement with "Breaking Bad" seems to have helped her business. She told Vice that before the show, 50% of her customers were locals. "Now, it's flip-flopped. I'd say seventy-five percent of my customers are tourists looking for 'Breaking Bad' stuff," she added. Ball still sells many of her original items, such as fudge, caramels, and licorice, but she also sells a variety of "Breaking Bad" merchandise, as well as fake meth candy. However, some parents and educators do not approve of such a product, thinking it sets a bad example for kids. According to Fox News, some children have even been suspended for bringing the candy to school. 

One thing is for sure: The Candy Lady is one example of how "Breaking Bad" changed Albuquerque as a city.