There's A Classic Star Wars Line Hidden In The Last Jedi

Contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The Last Jedi deviates from Star Wars tradition in plenty of ways, but it does actually include one of the franchise's most famous lines. You just have to understand droidspeak to hear it.

In every Star Wars movie since the original in 1977, one character says "I have a bad feeling about this" right before a dangerous situation. It's even in last year's Rogue One, when K-2SO starts to say it before he's stopped. 

One fan asked The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson about the line on Twitter, and he assured that "it's in there." It's just not in English.

In an interview with HuffPost, Johnson confirmed that BB-8 says the line when he and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) are flying into battle against the First Order at the beginning of the movie. "Yes!" Johnson said. "Good catch!"

In the script, BB-8's beeps actually translate into words for the actors, which is why some characters like Poe can understand them. Of course, not all of the characters are fluent in droidspeak. Maybe that'll be cleared up in the entirely new Star Wars trilogy Johnson is creating for Lucasfilm.

Meanwhile, The Last Jedi had the second-biggest opening weekend of all time behind only 2015's The Force Awakens. However, fans are split on the movie.