The Warner Bros. Nightmare Basically Explained

In the year of our Lord 2022, a lot's been happening, in case you missed it. Russia invaded Ukraine. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. "Morbius" was released in theaters not once, but twice. But all of that pales in comparison to the historic merger of two yummy, yummy business daddies, which resulted in widespread Internet sadness, the purging of several properties from HBO Max, and a full-blown corporate identity crisis. When Warner Bros. and Discovery decided to join forces to win the streaming wars once and for all, things didn't quite go as planned between the business daddies, and chaos? It certainly ensued.

If you're confused, scared, worried, and maybe a little excited, you're not alone. Luckily, Okay, So Basically is here on both SnapChat and YouTube to explain not just characters, but crazy pop culture moments like this one. If you want to know more about this intensely fraught merger and why physical media is so precious, we've got a very panicked explanation for you.

Okay, So Basically tackles everything from She-Hulk to Baby Groot to the aforementioned Morbius over on YouTube and SnapChat. As for the Warner Bros. and Discovery merger, it's happening all around you, everywhere, all at once.