House Of Cards Extends Production Hiatus

Netflix is extending the hiatus on production of House of Cards' final season. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the network sent a letter to the show's cast and crew announcing that the hiatus would last at least another two weeks, extending through Dec. 8. 

The hiatus was put in place after Netflix severed ties with the show's star Kevin Spacey, who has been accused of sexual misconduct. Reports say that the writers are looking for a way to kill off Spacey's character and continue on with the show's final season without Frank Underwood. Season six was already set to be House of Cards' last before the allegations broke. 

Pauline Micelli, Media Rights Capital Senior Vice President of Television Business and Legal Affairs, wrote in a letter to the cast and crew that the the show's writers will continue to meet during the hiatus, hinting that they are still considering ways for the show to go on. "Our hope is that the entire crew will be able to reconvene when production resumes," she wrote, although she did note that crew members who wanted to go on to find other work were free to do so. "We sincerely appreciate all you have done," she said.

"These last two months have tested and tried all of us in ways none of us could have foreseen," Micelli concluded. "The one thing we have learned throughout this process is that this production is bigger than just one person and we could not be more proud to be associated with one of the most loyal and talented production cast and crews in this business."