Jake Gyllenhaal Could Replace Ben Affleck In The Batman

Admittedly, Bat-enhaal doesn't have quite the same ring Bat-fleck does, but if recent rumors prove true, Jake Gyllenhaal will replace Ben Affleck as the Caped Crusader. 

Earlier this week, Affleck revealed that he was "contemplating" starring in The Batman, the solo Batman flick set to be directed by Matt Reeves. That remark leaves the actor's future playing the titular hero on pretty rocky ground, and has opened the floodgates for ideas about what could happen next. 

Collider journalist John Campea subsequently dished up a rumor on Thursday morning that Reeves already has an actor in mind to take over for Affleck in The Batman, though he didn't reveal who the so-called "surprising" choice was. ScreenRant's Rob Keyes, who reportedly had a chat with Reeves himself, then stated on Twitter that Gyllenhaal is the candidate in question. 

Immediately after, Keyes tweeted that "Ben Affleck won't be in Matt Reeves' Batman movie(s)," because "Reeves doesn't want him." He added, "I don't know the plans for Justice League sequel but don't be surprised if the age of Batfleck is over," also noting that previous reports that suggested Affleck was stepping away from the role, The Batman, and the perhaps the DC Extended Universe altogether "aren't just 'rumors' or speculation." Here, Keyes refers to a piece published by The Hollywood Reporter that stated Warner Bros.' plan is to "gracefully" transition Affleck out of the role of Batman in an upcoming DC film. 

Of course, the possibility of Gyllenhaal donning the Bat suit to save Gotham City from evil actually is just speculation at this point, since there hasn't been official confirmation from the actor, the director, or Warner Bros. and DC themselves. We won't know for certain what will come of this, but we'll keep our finger on the pulse of all things Batman and update you as more information surfaces.