Days Of Our Lives Fans Have A Lot Of Feelings About The Latest Peacock News

One could easily argue that "Days of Our Lives" is among the most well-known and successful soap operas ever to grace the small screen. Not to mention, it's certainly one of the longest running out there, having debuted in 1965 and shown no sign of stopping in the years since. However, that's not to say that it hasn't faced some major changes along the way, especially recently. On August 3, 2022, it came to light that the program would depart NBC — where it has called home for a whopping 57 years — for the Peacock streaming service.

According to the chairman of NBCUniversal Television and Streaming, Mark Lazarus, this decision came to pass to help both "Days of Our Lives" and Peacock simultaneously. "This programming shift benefits both Peacock and NBC and is reflective of our broader strategy to utilize our portfolio to maximize reach and strengthen engagement with viewers," he said in a statement, seemingly hopeful that longtime audience members will follow "DOOL" to the streamer and that those already subscribed to Peacock may give it a chance as well.

Shortly after news of this change broke, "Days of Our Lives" fans chimed in with their thoughts on its move to Peacock. Suffice to say, they haven't held back.

Most are worried that Days of Our Lives won't last long on Peacock

It didn't take long for social media to light up with reactions to "Days of Our Lives" moving to Peacock. For instance, a Reddit thread cropped up shortly after the announcement hit the internet that's absolutely chock-full of fascinating fan reactions. "Frankly I think this spells the death of the show. Peacock is failing altogether, so if Peacock fails, so does all the original programming," commented u/AdCareles65, voicing a concern that many "DOOL" viewers have at the moment. Several others worry that the show won't be accessible in their country, while some flat-out state they have no intention of subscribing to Peacock to keep watching. 

Meanwhile, on the Twitter front, optimism for the future of "Days of Our Lives" is in equally short supply. Twitter users expressed similar concerns as those on Reddit, including the hypothetical disappearance of "DOOL" if Peacock someday shuts down. Although, a handful of folks tried to look on the bright side and deduce how this move could benefit the series. "That's not a bad idea! Story-wise they can do a lot of stories that they can not on NBC," wrote @Skyefan, and @Susaleenah pondered if Peacock would include older episodes, giving the chance to relive classic stories with beloved characters and actors who've long since passed away — something that more than a few people would be on board with.

We'll have to see how Peacock taking on "Days of Our Lives" will pan out for both parties, but for the time being, aside from a sparse few, morale among the show's fans is clearly low.