Topher Grace Cast In Black Klansman

Topher Grace has signed on to Spike Lee's next movie, playing a villainous white supremacist in the upcoming Black Klansman.

Grace joins John David Washington and Adam Driver in the movie, with Grace playing a prominent Klansman opposite Washington and Driver's roles as undercover police officers.

Based off of the autobiography by Ron Stallworth, Black Klansman will follow the story of a police investigator in 1979 Colorado Springs who conducted undercover work investigating the growing local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. 

Stallworth, who is black, conducted his investigation from afar, corresponding with and phoning key members of the Klan. He was counted as a loyal member of the organization, eventually being offered a leadership role and at one point speaking to the Klan's notorious former grand wizard David Duke. Stallworth sent a white officer to act as him for the occasions at which he was expected to be physically present, and his investigation stymied Klan efforts to coordinate criminal acts in the city. 

The movie is being produced in part by Jordan Peele and Jason Blum, who previously developed Peele's breakout directorial effort Get Out. The script was adapted by Charlie Wachtel, David Rabinowitz, Spike Lee, and Kevin Willmont.

Grace will next be seen with Andrew Garfield in the movie Under the Silver Lake, and is developing a television series he co-wrote called Treasure Squad.