Online Clues Have Big Brother Fans Hyping A Major Season 24 Theory

With the "Big Brother" Season 24 premiere just around the corner and almost no information about it, fans are desperate for any hints about the new season. It's not surprising for fan theories to fly, and there's at least one that has fans talking.

We know that at least one exciting thing about the new season premiere has been confirmed: The 90-minute premiere is scheduled for Wednesday, July 6, and according to CinemaBlend, it will begin with a live move-in. This is exciting news for fans because it means they'll get to see the game start as soon as the houseguests meet (at least East Coasters will; the West Coast still has a delay). No waiting for the live feed to kick in hours or days later, as was the case before Season 22. We also know episodes will air on Wednesdays at 8 p.m., with live evictions airing on Thursdays and Sundays. And of course, longtime host Julie Chen Moonves, who has hosted the CBS reality competition since its Season 1 premiere in 2000, will be back again to welcome the houseguests and put them through their paces.

In fact, Moonves is the reason fans are all in a frenzy over theories. The host has been stirring up rumors herself through her Instagram, inciting fans to make guesses about the new season. Though CBS said the season promises "all-new houseguests," via Gold Derby, fans have reason to suspect that's not entirely true.

Some Big Brother fans expect returning contestants

"Big Brother" fans are excited over potential clues in social media posts, such as this official tweet hinting at a tropical location. Julie Chen Moonves also shared an Instagram photo asking fans, "can you spot any clues." Fans zeroed in on the butterfly on her ring, and on her high ponytail, wondering if that could refer to the return of Ariana Grande's brother, Frankie, who played the game in Season 16. In any case, the trend of "Big Brother" contestants from past seasons returning on newer ones is nothing new for the franchise in general.

But fans are seemingly most excited over older posts from Moonves featuring the casts of previous seasons, specifically Seasons 14 and 18. This started at least one heated conversation on Reddit, with u/lionsbane1764 speculating, "it seems that some people, especially on Twitter, think that this could mean we might have 4 returning houseguests this summer." It's unclear where the number of houseguests comes from, but some, like u/BBCANParasStan, hope to see returning faces. "Seems a heavy Michelle presence in the BB18 throwback... the return of Big Meech?" they wrote.

Others, like u/MishBBfan, hope to see at least some returning veterans. "Mixing vets and newbies always seems to create chaotic environments in the house," they offered. u/DoesThisMatter wrote, "It would be cool if the night 1 boots were given a 2nd chance," while u/MrAirSonic was disappointed. "Ugh, if it's BB14 and BB18 she's teased, we're probably getting teams again," they remarked, feeling it's too soon to feature teams after Season 23. But many others felt it was just Moonves hyping the show. "She always post stuff, people always think it's a hint, it never is," said u/DanTheMan1_.