The Deadliest Catch Star Who Led A Double Life As A Bank Robber

Longtime fans of Discovery's hit reality series "Deadliest Catch" will know that it takes a specific type of person to brave the brutal, unforgiving lifestyle inherent to the Alaskan fishing trade. Death and injury are all too common to the series, as one false move amidst the chaotic seas can cost an entire crew their lives. Perhaps this daring disposition is why so many of the cast members find themselves on the wrong side of the law, either during or after their tenure on "Deadliest Catch."

A few notable examples include Jason "Tennessee" King, a former crew member aboard Phil Harris' Cornelia Marie who was sent to prison for felony possession of a firearm, and Sig Hanson, the captain of FV Northwestern, who was arrested in 2017 for assaulting an Uber driver. Former series regular Jake Harris (son of Phil Harris) has had numerous run-ins with the law over the years, culminating in a lengthy prison sentence when officers discovered heroin in his home. All told, it's clear that there is a disconcerting trend connecting former "Deadliest Catch" crew members and criminal activity -– though none of the aforementioned arrests are quite as egregious as that of Joshua Tel Warner.

Joshua Tel Warner bragged about his bank robberies to his fellow crewmates

Joshua Tel Warner is a former crew member of the FV Wizard, and appeared in several episodes of "Deadliest Catch." Warner's time on the series was defined by his short temper, and he frequently butted heads with the rest of the crew while working. In 2010, Warner was arrested for a string of bank robberies across Oregon. These included a hit on a Washington Mutual Bank in 2007, and two hits on the same Pacific Continental Bank in 2009 (via CBS News). What make's Warner's crime spree exceptionally bizarre is the boldness with which he acted –- not only did he commit his crimes without covering his face, but he also reportedly bragged about them to his fellow co-stars while he was a part of "Deadliest Catch."

After his arrest, it was revealed that the former reality star had committed his first robbery prior to joining the series, but that his second two offenses came after he was already a crew member on the Wizard. As such, a few viewers actually recognized him as the perpetrator of the robberies, and a warrant for Warner's arrest was issued. In the end, Warner's arrogance earned him nine years in prison, and ruined any chance he had of remaining on "Deadliest Catch." For someone who managed to hide his double life as a bank robber, Warner's crimes were anything but subtle, and it's incredible that he wasn't caught sooner.