The Young Royals Character That Fans Love To Hate

In July 2021, Netflix subscribers were given a riveting dose of drama, romance, and teen angst when "Young Royals" dropped on the streaming platform. The plot of the series centers on the Swedish Prince Wilhelm (Edvin Ryding), who is forced to attend the elite Hillerska boarding school after getting into a fight.

Each of the characters in "Young Royals" has their share of disappointing moments, including Wilhelm. Despite his ever-growing feelings for Simon (Omar Rudberg), a non-royal peer at Hillerska, an LGBTQ+ relationship is considered taboo among royalty. When a video leaks of the pair engaging in physical intimacy, Wilhelm denies that it's him, a decision that deeply hurts Simon.

Other examples include Simon, who agrees to sell ADHD medication to Wilhelm's second cousin August (Malte Gårdinger); Felice (Nikita Uggla), who agrees to date August despite having a massive crush on Wilhelm; and, of course, August, who promises to look out for Wilhelm while he's at Hillerska, but doesn't exactly stay true to his word.

It can be argued that all of these students have some sort of negative quality. However, one particular character stands above the rest as the most hated by fans.

Young Royals fans love to hate August

The premiere season of "Young Royals" may only be six episodes, but that's more than enough time for fans to form a deep hatred for August. At first, it seems he'll be a great mentor for Wilhelm as his second cousin unwillingly enters a new educational environment. However, it quickly becomes clear that his intentions aren't pure.

August is a conniving, jealous teen with personal space issues. He's constantly interrupting important conversations, such as when Felice is trying to bond with Wilhelm, and when Wilhelm is getting to know Simon. He lies and deceives in order to satisfy his ADHD medication addiction and stalls in repaying Simon when he gives him some pills. He also kisses Simon's sister Sara (Frida Argento) when he's supposed to be dating Felice.

However, August's worst action by far is recording and spreading an intimate moment between Wilhelm and Simon. On Reddit, u/sharedimagination said, "Outing an LGBTQIA+ person before they're ready or even know their own sexuality themselves is unacceptable on all levels without even adding Wilhelm's status to the mix."

Actor Malte Gårdinger loves playing the bad guy but actually can't stand August either. In an interview with SoundOfSeries, when asked to describe his character in three words, he responded, "Punchable, complicated, and fragile." Then, when asked what he'd like to tell August, Gårdinger humorously said, "I wouldn't say anything. I would just punch him in the face."