The Devastating Death Of George Perez

George Perez, one of the most acclaimed and celebrated comic book artists of all time, has passed away at the age of 67. 

An announcement was made through his Facebook page saying that the legendary artist had died from complications due to pancreatic cancer. He had revealed his diagnosis in late 2021 (via Newsweek). Perez leaves behind his wife, Carol, who had made public appearances with him in the past. The announcement posted to Perez's page assures fans he was not in pain, and that he had his family and wife with him at the end. A memorial service for Perez is being held at MEGACON in Orlando, Florida on Sunday, May 22, according to the announcement. It will be open to the public, though no other details are available at this time about the service.

Perez was born in the Bronx in 1954 and he began his career with Marvel as an assistant while he was still a teenager (per Deadline). His first published art came in 1974 with "Astonishing Tales" #25 — a comic book featuring the cyborg character Deathlok — and those humble beginnings would morph into one the most significant comic careers in history, with Perez working for both DC and Marvel and drawing fans in with his expansive, bright, vibrant drawings, which had every corner filled in with a truly unbelievable level of detail. He is perhaps best known for working on DC's "Crisis on Infinite Earths," as well as the "New Teen Titans" in the 1980s, two runs that have continued influencing comic books to this day.

George Perez's career will remain unmatched

Perez began his career with Marvel, working from assistant to actual artist and eventually drawing "The Avengers" and "Fantastic Four" in the 1970s. His most influential work, however, arguably came in the 1980s when Perez brought his style to DC's biggest superheroes by drawing "Justice League of America," and he would go on to make comics history with "Crisis on Infinite Earths," a run that shocked fans by folding multiple universes together, featuring nearly every DC character ever invented — often on the same page — and killing off major characters such as Barry Allen aka the Flash. The story provided the sort of cosmic landscape and big emotional beats that Perez could milk for everything they are worth.

Working on "New Teen Titans" in the 1980s with writer Marv Wolfman, Perez also helped introduce numerous characters still around today in multiple mediums, like Cyborg and Starfire. Perez would continue working for DC and Marvel over the years, though his last regular series was "Siren" for Boom! Studios in 2014. Some of the other notable comics he worked on include 2004's mega-Marvel and DC crossover "JLA/Avengers," the post-apocalyptic Hulk story "Future Imperfect," and Marvel's "Infinity Gauntlet" in 1991.

Perez announced an official retirement in 2019 due to failing health (per SyFy). Only two years earlier, he was inducted into the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame (per Bleeding Cool). At a surprise part held by colleagues to give him the award, Perez was his usual humble self. "I have been blessed beyond my worth," he said. "I have gotten a lot of love and respect from my peers, and I get to do what I have wanted to do since I was a child. How many people can say that?"