Nick Gehlfuss' Favorite Chicago Med Scene Is A Nail-Biter

Ever since Nick Gehlfuss' Dr. Will Halstead arrived in Chicago in the backdoor pilot of "Chicago Med" — Season 3, Episode 19 ("I Am the Apocalypse") of "Chicago Fire" — he's been dealing with one dramatic situation after another. Turmoil seems to follow him, and he usually seems to be at the center of many of the hospital's crises. 

Notably, he technically should have been fired after refusing to follow a terminally ill patient's DNR in Season 1, Episode 9 ("Choices"). However, Halsted is extremely lucky when the woman's family opts to drop their lawsuit against him several episodes later. Of course, this is only one of many times that Halstead finds himself embroiled in an extremely emotional situation.

Because Halstead is so often involved in such intriguing stories, Gehlfuss has no shortage of amazing material in which to showcase his skills as an actor. So, how does an actor involved in so many good stories decide which scene is his favorite? For Gehlfuss, it was a no-brainer; his favorite scene is the one that left viewers biting their nails, wondering what was going to happen next.

Nick Gehlfuss' favorite scene involved a drill and a boat yard

"Chicago Med" Season 4, Episode 9 ("Death Do Us Part") should have already been an emotional episode for Nick Gehlfuss because it's the episode in which Will Halstead plans to marry his girlfriend, Natalie (Torrey DeVitto). The episode opens with a sweet moment, as Will teaches Natalie's son, Owen (Ari Morgan), how to carry the rings as the ringbearer. 

However, on the way to get his tuxedo, Halstead is stopped by Tommy and Tim Burke (Devin Ratray and Adam Petchel), who ask him to help out their dad, Ray (Dennis Cockrum). Always one to follow his Hippocratic oath, Halstead agrees to help, not realizing what he's in for. Unfortunately, the good doctor quickly finds himself held at gunpoint and forced to operate on a dying man.

When asked to describe his favorite scene from "Chicago Med," Gehlfuss had no problem naming this one. "That's easy," he said, answering questions in an NBC interview for a 2022 One Chicago Fan Event. "Will Halstead is drilling a hole in the mob guy's head, in a boat yard, in his tuxedo, while everyone is waiting for him at the church, on his wedding day."

It's certainly easy to see why this is a favorite scene for Gehlfuss. Although many scenes in the series can be tense, this particular scene is extremely tense. Unfortunately, because of the day's events, the episode doesn't actually end with a wedding. Instead, Halstead arrives at the church only to tell Natalie that he's going into the Witness Protection Program.