Comedians React To The Death Of Gilbert Gottfried

The death of Gilbert Gottfried at age 67 has shaken the entertainment world (via Variety). The legendary comedian's family announced the news on Gottfried's official Twitter account, revealing that his health had been ailing for some time. 

"We are heartbroken to announce the passing of our beloved Gilbert Gottfried after a long illness," the family's statement read. "In addition to being the most iconic voice in comedy, Gilbert was a wonderful husband, brother, friend and father to his two young children. Although today is a sad day for all of us, please keep laughing as loud as possible in Gilbert's honor."

Gottfried was indeed a powerful voice in the world of comedy, and the news of his passing has been shocking to many of his colleagues, who have already started sharing homages and memories of the late titan of laughter. Here's how comedians have reacted to the death of Gilbert Gottfried.

Comedians loved and respected Gottfried

The messages from fellow comedians make it clear that they had nothing but great respect for Gilbert Gottfried. "Seinfeld" star Jason Alexander was among the first comedians to react on the sad news on Twitter. "Gilbert Gottfried made me laugh at times when laughter did not come easily," he wrote. "What a gift. I did not know him well but I loved what he shared with me. My best wishes and sympathy to his family."

Kathy Griffin retweeted a picture of Gottfried, Louie Anderson and Bob Saget, all of whom have now passed — and highlighted Gottfried's signature, irreverent sense of humor about the situation. "Gilbert would be the first one to make a joke about this picture today," she wrote. "The first. And he would not hold back."

Dane Cook was somewhat more subdued in his Twitter message, sending love to Gottfried's close ones before offering his own memories of the man. "Gilbert Gottfried was never not funny. He was a lovely guy, always friendly & made many people happy," Cook wrote.

Lydia Cornell referenced the same photo as Griffin, adding a warm message in her tweet. "I can't believe this," she wrote. "Gilbert Gottfried is gone. Rest in peace funny man. This picture with Bob Saget and Louie Anderson was only taken 3 months ago. Now he is in the Great Comedy Club in the beyond with all his friends." Meanwhile, comedy veteran and "Feud" star Jackie Hoffman opted for a very different approach. "I guess all the great comedians are dying because no one's allowed to make jokes about anything any more. #RIP Gilbert," she tweeted.  

While the world's comedians pay homage to Gottfried in their own, sometimes wildly different ways, its clear that they all thought the world of the man.