Daniel Radcliffe Joined A Prestigious Club With The Lost City

Daniel Radcliffe has taken on more than a few odd acting roles in years since "Harry Potter" ended. From cameo appearances like his hilarious dog walker in "Trainwreck" to a bold role as a living corpse in 2016's "Swiss Army Man" to attaching guns to his hands in 2019's "Guns Akimbo," Radcliffe has used his willingness to get weird for a part to help re-establish himself as an actor and not merely the former star of a massive blockbuster franchise.

In the new romantic comedy "The Lost City," Radcliffe joins stars like Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum, and Brad Pitt for a classic adventure story that Radcliffe told Empire Magazine feels like the type of movie that is not made often enough by modern Hollywood standards. Radcliffe plays villain Abigail Fairfax in the new movie, which is something of a different role for the actor, who has often still been cast as a protagonist in even his most bizarre roles. Radcliffe told Empire that he has a blanket rule to try and make movies he would like to see on the big screen, and making "The Lost City" seems to have helped him fulfill one of his goals.

Daniel Radcliffe said it's a right of passage for English actors to portray villains in American films

In a recent interview with Empire Magazine, Daniel Radcliffe said he enjoyed playing wild "The Lost City" villain Abigail Fairfax and compared his experience making the movie to English actors throughout history who have taken on exciting roles as villains in American films. Radcliffe specifically cited actors Tim Curry, known widely to American audiences as the terrifying clown Pennywise in the 1990 "IT" miniseries, as well as Alan Cumming, who played the goofy villain Fegan Floop in the "Spy Kids" movies.

"They seem to really revel in it," Radcliffe said of Curry and Cummings' various roles as villains. "There is something about watching those actors where the theme is – and I'm a very different actor from both of those people – but the theme is that you see how much they are enjoying it."

Playing the film's over-the-top villain is just one of many things it sounds like Radcliffe loved about making the movie. The actor also raved about his experience working with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum. He said working with Bullock specifically made for an exciting opportunity, as he's a fan of films like "Miss Congeniality" and "While You Were Sleeping."

However, playing the bad guy was a special occasion all its own. Radcliffe explained, "I think generally, it's a bit of a rite of passage, being the English bad guy in something."