The Kevin Costner Movie You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Perhaps Kevin Costner films aren't where you turn for spiritual enlightenment — but if you're looking to be entertained, his filmography is always the right place. 

Born in 1955, Costner's onscreen persona has always been defined by his down-to-Earth directness; he became arguably the biggest star of the early '90s playing athletes, cowboys, farmers and more. Handsome, charming and wielding a playful smile like an ace up his sleeve, he clearly enjoys playing American everymen who prove themselves extraordinary when push comes to shove — and audiences have loved watching him do it, time and again.

But don't say Costner has no range, because this is one cowboy who has frequently been seen out on the range. Each of his characters is unique in their way, infused with personality.

When folks are looking for enlightenment regarding their own predilections, they often turn to the stars. Since few stars have shined as brightly as Costner over the past several decades, why not look to him? Below are twelve of Costner's best-remembered roles, each matched with the zodiac sign most closely aligned. Are you as smooth talking as Crash Davis? As noble as Eliot Ness? Take a look below — if you read it, enlightenment will come.

Aries: Bull Durham

He believes in the soul, the small of a woman's back, the hangin' curveball, high fiber and good scotch. You can believe Costner's minor league catching veteran and all-time home run leader is an Aries, typically represented by the ram, but here represented by a wide-grinning vet spinning compelling yarns about the cup of coffee he once got in The Show. 

Born between March 21 and April 19, Aries tend to be determined, confident, and passionate. It's a sign associated with the physical more than the mental, and with doing things impulsively, at times even aggressively, rather than thinking through every decision. Still, even if they don't always consider what they're getting into, Aries usually manage to pull off whatever they start. If nothing else, their strong competitive streak can't bear to let anyone see them fail.

Aries is the perfect sign for "Bull Durham," where Costner's Crash Davis is assigned to hard-throwing, hard-loving rookie Ebby Calvin "Nuke" LaLoosh (Tim Robbins). Chaos is added to this battery by the presence of Annie Savoy (Susan Sarandon), a baseball groupie auditioning them to be her next lover. "Bull Durham" is about passion, confidence, and physicality; on or off the baseball field, an Aries can relate. 

Taurus: Man of Steel

Taurus is the sign of the bull. Born between April 20 and May 20, Taurus folks are known for being patient, practical, and devoted to people and tasks they love. It's an earth sign associated with reaping the rewards of one's hard work. A Taurus is usually reliable; in fact, it's perhaps the most reliable sign in the Zodiac. Unfortunately, like the animal that symbolizes them, Taurus people can be stubborn and uncompromising. They may take care of you if you need it, but they'll do it on their own terms, and they may just expect you to live your life on their terms too.

All of this perfectly describes Jonathan Kent, the endearing paternal figure Costner played in Zack Snyder's "Man of Steel." Jonathan is the adoptive father of Clark Kent (Dylan Sprayberry) who grows up to be Superman (Henry Cavill). No-nonsense Kansas farmers, Jonathan and his wife Martha (Diane Lane) do their best to raise young Clark right, instilling him with middle-American values despite his alien origins and ever-increasingly superpowers. However, Jonathan takes issue with Clark's desire to use his powers to help people in danger, prioritizing Clark's own safety, fearing it could be jeopardized should knowledge of his abilities ever became public. He won't even let Clark save him from a tornado because other people are watching, choosing to die rather than have his son expose his identity. If that's not the stubbornness of a Taurus, what is?

Gemini: Tin Cup

Gemini is the sign of the twins, which immediately hints at the duality common in the Gemini personality. Born between May 21 and June 20, Geminis are clever, social, and charismatic, enjoying games that let them employ their knowledge and skills. However, they can also be moody and unpredictable, with their attitude sometimes seeming to change at the drop of a hat. This tendency can make them unreliable, since it's hard to count on someone whose moods you can't predict. If you can get past this and win them over, however, Geminis make excellent friends, and at the very least you'll never be bored in their company.

Roy McAvoy (Costner), the central character of "Tin Cup," is exactly this sort of guy. A washed-out golfer once considered a wunderkind at the game, the middle-aged Roy runs a two-bit driving range and spends his time drinking with his buddy Romeo (Cheech Marin), exhibiting no real purpose in life. Things change when he meets Dr. Molly Griswold (Rene Russo), an attractive psychologist who's dating David Simms (Don Johnson), a successful pro golfer who knew Roy in college. Roy's rivalry with David and interest in Molly lead him to reignite his golf career; along the way, it becomes clearer why it career never took off in the first place. 

Roy's an excellent golfer, but he's reckless and lets his mood affect his game, rather than doing what he knows intellectually is the smart play. He still manages to win Molly's heart and play in the U.S. Open, but he's quite a Gemini along the way.

Cancer: The Postman

Cancer is the sign of the crab. Born between June 21 and July 22, they tend to have strong feelings and an extremely active imagination, but can be difficult to get to know. They may have a different relationship to reality than the average person, and stand out from the world around them whether they mean to or not. Despite this alienation from the world, Cancers do care deeply about the people around them, and may even build a family where none existed previously. A connection to their emotions even aids in their empathy for others, although it's not always clear from the outside.

Kevin Costner directed and starred as the nameless title character in 1997's "The Postman," a post-apocalyptic film set in the "Wild West" of a United States that has collapsed following war and plague. Initially just a drifter who performs Shakespeare for the entertainment-starved frontier survivors, Costner's character finds the uniform and bag of a long-dead postal worker and begins telling people he's a postman in the employ of a restored U.S. Government. It's not true, but the idea that it might be takes hold of people's imaginations. Others are inspired to become mail carriers, and in time civilization is restored. It's the story of how one weird guy's imagination changes the world, which is about as Cancer as it gets.

Leo: Dances with Wolves

Leo is the sign of the lion, and the so-called King of the Jungle inhabits each of their souls. Born between July 23 and August 22, Leos are natural-born leaders, winning people over with their charisma, confidence, generosity, and loyalty. A Leo is able to achieve most things they put the effort into, which occasionally lead to anger and frustration about those few things that can't be achieved, not to mention arrogance about what can. Many Leos seem to exert their will directly upon the world around them, leaving it different than before.

John Dunbar, as played by Kevin Costner in his Oscar-winning directorial debut "Dances with Wolves," is that kind of character. When the epic Western begins, he's a Union soldier who makes a choice to die in battle rather than let his leg be amputated. To everyone's surprise, his reckless actions lead to victory, making Dunbar a hero who is then given the medical attention necessary to keep his leg. He heads West, where he finds himself the sole occupant of a U.S. fort in Lakota Sioux territory. Knowing he's outnumbered and wouldn't survive a battle with the Sioux, John establishes peaceful communications with them instead. He eventually earns their trust and is welcomed into their tribe, even receiving a Sioux name: Dances With Wolves. Dunbar is never the typical violent Western hero, to his credit, but there's certainly a bit of a lion inside him.

Virgo: The Untouchables

Virgo is the sign of the virgin, represented by the archaic archetype of the unmarried maiden. Born between August 23 and September 22, Virgos are intensely organized, with a tendency toward breaking things down into systems and methodically approaching their goals. It's not necessarily that they don't see the big picture, they just know that, at least for them, the solution to a problem most likely lies in the details. Their love of information and analysis shouldn't be viewed as a lack of humanity, however. In fact, Virgos generally have a deep sense of humanity and the need to do good; they just tend to approach that altruism from the direction of meticulous organization.

Brian De Palma's crowd pleasing movie adaptation of "The Untouchables" is about a team of unlikely crimefighters from multiple agencies and disciplines attempting to take down notorious Chicago mobster Al Capone (Robert DeNiro) in the era of Prohibition. Led by Eliot Ness (Costner), the Untouchables earn their moniker because they won't be bought or corrupted by Capone's mob, unlike most law enforcement in Chicago. Because Capone is too savvy to be prosecuted for the violent crimes carried out under his watch, the team cleverly begins to examine his finances, in a very Virgo, outside-the-box approach to fighting crime. Eventually the team (well, at least the ones who are still alive) are able to bring charges of tax evasion against Capone, achieving a very Virgo victory.

Libra: The Bodyguard

Libra is the sign of the scales, reflecting an interest in balance and justice. Born between September 23 and October 22, Libra folks tend to be diplomatic and social, seeking cooperation with those around them in the interest of achieving a balanced social environment. In many situations, Libras tend to serve as peacekeepers, but when they sense things out of balance or conflicting with their own sense of justice, they're rarely afraid to initiate conflict. Virgos tend to seek partnership with someone who balances out their own traits, not so much similar as complementary.

"The Bodyguard" is a romantic thriller about just such a balanced partnership of equals, who conflict at first because of their differences, but soon come to form a partnership that helps them both. Costner plays Frank Farmer, a former Secret Service agent hired to protect Rachel Marron (Whitney Houston), a pop star and actress being stalked by someone who seems to have murderous intentions. At first they don't get along, seeing each other as a paranoid killjoy and a spoiled diva, respectively. Soon, however, their relationship becomes romantic, and Frank is able to save Rachel from the killer who has been pursuing her. Seeking stability and justice, Frank is certainly the more Libra-esque character of the two, but Rachel provides him with the balanced counterpoint that seems to have been missing from his life.

Scorpio: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Scorpio is the sign of the scorpion, a deadly animal that may well reflect the Scorpio mindset. Born between October 23 and November 21, Scorpios are brave, passionate, and resourceful, willing and able to face just about any obstacle as they attempt to leave their mark upon the world. They're intensely loyal to their friends and allies, but slow to trust those whose goals don't align with theirs, and this passionate nature may frighten those they disagree with. Some people even see Scorpio as the most violent sign in the Zodiac, but their passion and bravery can just as easily make them heroic as dangerous (although they may turn out to be both).

One such dangerous, passionate antagonist is legendary English folk hero Robin Hood, as portrayed by Costner in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves." The 1991 blockbuster provides a somewhat grittier (if not necessarily more plausible) take on the legend than previous films, emphasizing armor rather than tights. Costner's Robin of Locksley returns from a five-year imprisonment in Jerusalem during the Crusades to find the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham (Alan Rickman) ruling over his people with an iron fist in the absence of King Richard (Sean Connery). With the help of a gang of outlaws and a Moor named Azeem (Morgan Freeman) whose life Robin saved in Jerusalem, Robin Hood restores justice to Nottingham with all the bravery, passion — and yes, violence — of a Scorpio.

Sagittarius: Wyatt Earp

Sagittarius is the sign of the hunter, and those who arrive under it often find themselves drawn to a nomadic lifestyle. Born between November 22 and December 21, Sagittarius folks often travel from place to place on a journey to understand the world around them. They love the outdoors, feeling a connection with, and curiosity about, the world around them. They're thoughtful and sometimes artistic, manifesting their thoughts and ideas into the real world through their actions. They know what their intentions are and don't hesitate to let others know as well — in fact, they're often honest to a fault.

In "Wyatt Earp," Costner plays the titular wild West hero across a much broader swath of his life than other films tend to focus. It does encompass his time in the town of Tombstone, rooting out the violent Cowboys gang with his brothers Virgil (Michael Madsen) and Morgan (Linden Ashby) and friend Doc Holliday (Dennis Quaid), in which Wyatt proved as straight a shot as any centaur with a bow and arrow, but before and after that period he was as nomadic as any Sagittarius, working a variety of jobs across the North American continent in his search for adventure, contentment, or perhaps both. He even hunts buffalo, literalizing the sign reflected in this entry.

Capricorn: JFK

Capricorn is the sign of the goat, a creature not easily led. Born between December 22 and January 19, Capricorns are responsible and self-controlled. They tend to be practical by nature and make long-term plans to methodically accomplish all sorts of goals. Despite their general air of caution and control, Capricorns are most interested in taking commands or following the lead of those whose wisdom they're not inclined to accept at face value. A classic Capricorn is certain they know what needs to be done and the best way to do it, and they don't have much patience for those who see things differently.

Oliver Stone's "JFK" focuses on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner), who came to believe there was a vast conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy, and that supposed assassin Lee Harvey Oswald (Gary Oldman) was framed. Despite the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald acted alone, the real-life Garrison investigated several men based in New Orleans, including pilot David Ferrie (Joe Pesci) and businessman Clay Shaw (Tommy Lee Jones), linked to the assassination via purported witnesses. Despite the federal government considering JFK's death a closed matter, Garrison even brought conspiracy charges against Shaw. Although Shaw was acquitted, the evidence gathered by Garrison convinced many people that the conspiracy was real, including Stone. "JFK" demonstrates Garrison's mix of defiant, independent thinking and methodical actions, which make this a perfect story for Capricorns.

Aquarius: Waterworld

Aquarius is the sign of the water-bearer. Born between January 20 and February 18, Aquarius folks often feel alienated and different from other people, but don't necessarily view their own differences as a flaw, and may even be proud of them. An Aquarius wants the freedom to pursue their own goals and interests, and has little interest in compromising with anyone whose outlook on the world differs from their own (which is probably most people). Fortunately they're comfortable alone, and would usually rather strike out on their own than attempt to explain their goals to others.

There's only one Costner movie that could represent the water-bearer, and that's "Waterworld." This post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie takes place five hundred years in the future, when melting polar ice caps have covered nearly the entire surface of the Earth in endless seas. Costner stars as the Mariner, a mysterious drifter whose gills and webbed feet make him uniquely adapted to this aquatic world. The other surviving humans struggle to exist on ramshackle floating cities, and immediately distrust the amphibious Mariner. When their settlement is attacked by pirates led by the evil Deacon (Dennis Hopper), the Mariner turns out to be the only one who can save the day. Like many an Aquarius, his difference from other people turns out to be his advantage.

Pisces: Field of Dreams

Pisces is the sign of the fish, and traditionally the final sign of the Zodiac. Born between February 19 and March 20, Pisces tend to be ruled by their emotions and their intuitive understanding of the world. They're generally compassionate and get along with all different kinds of people, although sometimes their own emotions are so overwhelming that they lose track of everyone else's. Pisces are often very creative and have an innate understanding of nature. Unfortunately, being so intuitive and emotional isn't always an advantage in life, and some Pisces can find themselves overcome with melancholy or trapped by problems of their own creation.

Few movie characters are so fully powered by emotion and intuition as Ray Kinsella, the protagonist Costner plays in "Field of Dreams." A farmer who grew up listening to bedtime stories about the disgraced 1919 "Black Sox" baseball scandal, Ray finds himself out in his cornfield one night when he hears a voice saying, "If you build it, he will come," and has a vision that leads him to plow under a significant portion of his crop and build a baseball field, where banned-for-life baseball great Shoeless Joe Jackson (Ray Liotta) and other long-dead ball players appear, seeking comfort and a chance at redemption.

Further voices and visions lead him to seek out reclusive author Terence Mann (James Earl Jones) and a doctor (Burt Lancaster) who was teased with the briefest instance of a baseball career. These leaps of faith nearly cost Roy his farm, but eventually it all works out when the spirit of his father (Dwier Brown) appears, giving Ray the chance for one last game of catch and the reconciliation he never got when his father was alive. It's a truly unique and uplifting film, and any Pisces better have a box of tissues nearby, because they're likely to find themselves as moved as any baseball fan listening to James Earl Jones' iconic "People will come, Ray" speech.