Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness' Runtime Has Reportedly Leaked

With every new Marvel entry that appears over the horizon, one of the first details that always manages to make its way out before the release is the film's runtime, determining just what kind of lengthy watch we're in for. How much of a butt-numbing ordeal are we setting ourselves up for to see our favorite supers save the day in exceptional CGI fashion? What kind of planned bathroom breaks are going to be applied? You know, all of the important stuff.

Now, it seems that someone with a stopwatch has managed to slip through the cracks Kevin Feige's hawk-eyed team of secret-keepers, as a rumored runtime for "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" looks to have finally been revealed. Unsurprisingly, Doctor Stephen Strange's (Benedict Cumberbatch) next visit will likely be very long, which is in line with some of the latest big-screen entries to the MCU – and it may even share an almost identical runtime as one of Marvel's most recent blockbusters.

Multiverse of Madness may be as long as Spider-Man: No Way Home

According to the Brazilian ticket website Ingresso, our second appointment with the good Doctor in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" is lining up to be one of the longest Marvel movies to date, clocking in at a potential 148 minutes long. This puts the film on the same level as the last Marvel entry Strange appears in with "Spider-Man: No Way Home," which is also 148 minutes long (via IMDb). Coincidentally, the recent "Spider-Man" film causes a lot of the issues the Master of the Mystic Arts will have to deal with this time around. The runtime hasn't been officially confirmed by Marvel yet, but it seems likely that the movie will be this long.

Given the cast list and the dimensions that Strange will be jumping in and out of in the new film, it makes sense that we're going to get a huge, epic adventure with one of Marvel's most magical heroes. The only question, of course, is if he'll be able to rectify the damage he's done in "Spider-Man: No Way Home," and if it'll leave him as either friend or foe to Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen). You'll be able to get the prognosis for yourself when "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" arrives on May 6, 2022.