The First Barry Season 3 Trailer Teases Lots Of Drama For Bill Hader

Ever since the second season finale of HBO's critically acclaimed series "Barry" aired in May of 2019, fans have been desperate to satiate their hunger for more episodes of the dramatic comedy. Of course, more than a few things (namely, the COVID-19 pandemic) have happened in the real world in the nearly three years since that date. In March 2020, Deadline confirmed that production on "Barry" and "Succession" had been delayed as a result of the pandemic, but that writing on the series would continue remotely. 

Interestingly, during a January 2021 visit to "Late Night with Seth Myers," "Barry" star Bill Hader revealed that the long production delay on Season 3 allowed the creative team behind the series to complete the scripts for Season 4 as well. Ultimately, production on "Barry" Season 3 did not begin until 2021 (via Deadline). Now, more than a year since that date, "Barry" fans are finally getting their first look at the third season of the series. As seasoned veterans of the show will no doubt already recognize, this season won't be one for the faint of heart.

Barry believes you can be who you want to be

Barry Berkman did this. Barry Berkman did this. These are the words that echo throughout the teaser trailer for the third season of "Barry." Of course, longtime fans of the show will instantly recognize this phrase from the second season finale. In that episode's thrilling conclusion, Gene Cousineau (Henry Winkler) remembers Monroe Fuches (Stephen Root) revealing that Barry (Bill Hader) is the man responsible for the death of his one-time girlfriend, Detective Janice Moss (Paula Newsome). 

Next, the teaser trailer begins to give audiences some indication of how Barry, Gene, and the rest of the cast will deal with such a dramatic disclosure. Quick cuts to a number of different scenes include: Barry looking distraught in the desert, a battalion of soldiers armed with assault rifles pursuing someone, NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan) insisting "forgiveness has to be earned," and Barry claiming "everybody deserves a second chance." Of course, it remains to be seen whether a series as brutal as "Barry" will provide its title character with any sense of forgiveness or anything that resembles a second chance.

"Barry" Season 3 premieres on HBO and HBO Max on April 24 (via IMDb).