Ukrainian President's Comedy Series Has Returned To Netflix

Over the past few weeks, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has displayed a tremendous amount of courage in his fight against the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Zelenskyy's heroic rhetoric and unwavering dedication to his country (despite the overwhelming odds he is currently facing) have made him incredibly popular among western media outlets, many of whom are praising him as a beacon of hope amidst the violence and chaos that continues to consume his country. Indeed, his iconic "I need ammunition, not a ride," quote (reported to have come after the U.S. offered Zelenskyy the chance to evacuate his country) has become a rallying cry for all those who support Ukraine, and further solidified just how inspiring Zelenskyy's leadership truly is (via The Washington Post).

Yet, as far as wartime leaders come, Zelenskyy no doubt seemed an unlikely choice at the start of Russia's invasion, as he only began his political career after acting as the Ukrainian President in a satirical comedy series called "Servant of the People." In the series, Zelenskyy played a high school history teacher who becomes the Ukrainian President after he records a viral video ranting about Ukraine's corrupt government.

For all those wishing to watch Zelenskyy display his acting prowess (and indeed, see the role that launched him into his political career), you're in luck, as "Servant of the People" has recently returned to Netflix's streaming catalogue. 

Season 1 of Servant of the People is available on Netflix

Netflix announced just this morning that "Servant of the People" has returned to Netflix in the United States (via Twitter). Unfortunately, it appears that only the series' first season is available right now, though hopefully Season 2 and Season 3 of the show will come to Netflix sometime in the future.

After starring in "Servant of the People" which first launched back in 2015, Volodymyr Zelenskyy went on to establish his own political party of the same name, running in the 2019 Presidential election and winning as a member of the Servant of the People party. A comedic actor becoming president after previously acting as that president is no doubt a story that will live on for generations –- especially considering how well Zelenskyy has done in navigating the ongoing invasion.

Indeed, some media outlets have even praised Zelenskyy's comedic background, claiming that the Ukrainian President's penchant for satire has made him the perfect figure to stand up to Vladimir Putin's self-serious style of power. As The New Yorker puts it, Zelenskyy has shown us all how "wit and mockery can undermine brutal authority," and it's clear thus far that Zelenskyy's style of leadership has earned him fans across the world — many of whom see him as a prime example of everything that a leader ought to be.