Mark Ruffalo Has A Heartwarming Reaction To The Ms. Marvel Trailer

Oscar Isaac's "Moon Knight" hasn't even arrived on Disney+ yet, but Marvel fans are already getting psyched for the subsequent arrival of "Ms. Marvel." The detail-ridden trailer for the upcoming series suggests that more lighthearted fun is coming to the MCU, ultimately restoring the balance after "Moon Knight" unleashes some good old-fashioned doom and gloom on viewers all around the world.

"Ms. Marvel" also marks the MCU debut of Kamala Khan (Iman Vellani), a teenage superhero who debuted in the comics back in 2013, before receiving her own solo series the following year. In addition to being relatively new to the pop culture sphere, Ms. Marvel is notable for being the first Muslim superhero in the history of American comic books. With that in mind, her first series on Disney+ will be a groundbreaking show that reaffirms Marvel's commitment to diversifying its roster of heroes on the screen.

"Ms. Marvel" is destined to introduce more fresh-faced characters to the mix and further prove that The Avengers members aren't the be-all and end-all of the franchise. However, the old guard doesn't seem too concerned about being overshadowed by the newbies, as Mark Ruffalo is arguably more excited about "Ms. Marvel" than anyone else.

Mark Ruffalo welcomed Ms. Marvel into the MCU with open arms

Mark Ruffalo, who's most famous for portraying Bruce Banner aka Hulk in the MCU, was among the millions of people who watched the "Ms. Marvel" trailer and contributed to the positive online discourse with feel-good sentiments afterward. Furthermore, he's all for his character sharing the same cinematic universe with such a unique superhero moving forward.

The Hulk actor took to Twitter after the trailer dropped and bestowed it with praise, noting how "Ms. Marvel" is another step forward for the MCU in regards to representation and pushing the medium forward. "Marvel breaks new ground! Love you, @Marvel for reflecting the world we live in," he wrote. 

Ruffalo concluded his heartwarming message by officially welcoming Kamala Khan to the Marvel "family." It remains to be seen if she'll ever cross paths with Hulk, but there is no denying that they'd make for a fascinating superhero pairing.