The Tiny Trevor Detail Fans Of The Good Place Might Have Missed

The afterlife comedy "The Good Place" is rife with tiny details that reward any fan who watches with a close eye on the background. Puns adorn the set, the characters' "points" (which determine their fates after death) are affected by amusingly specific actions that might only show up as a flash of text onscreen, and some things only reveal themselves upon a rewatch. For the character Trevor, it's easy to miss his last few appearances.

In stark contrast to his sweet, nerdy "Parks and Recreation" character, Adam Scott plays an absurdly rude demon as Trevor. He first shows up to cart Eleanor (Kristen Bell) to the Bad Place in Season 1, cementing himself as an avatar of everything terrible. He comes back at the beginning of Season 3 to meddle with the human experiment on Earth, but the all-powerful Judge (Maya Rudolph) nonchalantly flicks him into the infinite void surrounding the Door to Earth. And that's the last we see of him ... unless you pay extra close attention to two other scenes in the series.

Trevor is still flying through the void

In Season 3, Episode 11, "Chidi Sees the Time-Knife," Eleanor and her friends go through the hub that connects different dimensions — a steampunk walkway set in a black void rather than a city — on the way to IHOP, the Interdimensional Hole of Pancakes. For a brief moment, Trevor flies horizontally through the background, screaming. He's very small, so it's an easy detail to miss, but evidently, he hasn't slowed down at all after being flicked. What's a demon to the laws of physics?

A season later, in the series finale (Season 4's "Whenever You're Ready"), Trevor is shown flying through the void again. He's in the background when Tahani (Jameela Jamil) and Michael (Ted Danson) approach Jeff, the Doorman who holds the Key to Earth. Trevor is closer to the main characters this time, so it's easier to see the blur of jeans, a white shirt, and a black jacket. Still, he whizzes by quickly, yelling as he goes. By this point, he's been in there for hundreds of Jeremy Bearimys — the measurement of time in the afterlife — and shows no sign of stopping. 

It looks like after torturing humans for millennia, he's been trapped in his own version of the Bad Place.