Freydis' Vision In Vikings: Valhalla Episode 5 Explained

Contains spoilers for "Vikings: Valhalla," Season 1, Episode 5, "Miracle"

Since the times of Ragnar Lothbrok (Travis Fimmel), Jeb Stuart's world of "Vikings" has been as much about opposing faiths as it is about those that fight for them. "Vikings: Valhalla" — the all-new Netflix sequel show to the beloved series — continues focusing on those elements and the last dying embers of the belief system that, as history shows, went the way of the Vikings themselves. One person who is keeping the faith about all of this is Freydis Eriksdotter (Frida Gustavsson), daughter of Erik the Red and sister to Leif Eriksson (Sam Corlett), a man who is set to make a name for himself among the Viking people.

Brought up to believe in the Pagan ways, Freydis is against the encroaching establishment of Christianity and will do everything she can to keep the old ways alive. It's an effort observed by the stoic and astute Jarl Haakon (Caroline Henderson), who sends Freydis on a pilgrimage to learn more about the Viking's past and save their future. The journey leads Freydis to find her place in the growing conflicts when she's sent to Uppsala, the sacred area where followers of the Pagan faith would visit as a place of worship. There, Freydis has a vision that sees chaos, death, and pleas for her help in what looks to be a ruined area. So in the world of interchangeable kings and a crisis of faith for so many, just what does it all mean?

Fredyis' vision hosts a familiar face from Vikings

In the fifth episode of "Valhalla," Freydis' goes on a spiritual journey that sees her endure a vision beginning with a young girl skipping through some woods (possibly a young Freydis in Greenland?) before, from a bird's eye view, soaring over a decimated village. The remaining inhabitants of this war-torn land cry out for hel,p begging that she not leave them behind before waking up. As her mysterious vision continues, she encounters a familiar face from the previous "Vikings" series, The Seer (John Kavanagh), who, even after dying in the final season of the last show, has returned to various characters in visions, as he does here.

Speaking with the blind mystic, Freydis is asked what she saw. "There had been a great battle," she says. "Everywhere was fire and death." When asked if she did anything to stop it, Freydis explains she ran, but doesn't know why. 

The Seer rebukes her response, saying that she knows perfectly well why she ran and that she's lying to him and herself. "Do you think we are born with all knowledge?" he asks. "We make the tools we need. There is no going back, only forward," he proclaims, warning Freydis that the cries she heard will go only go stronger before he disappears from view. It's this encounter that could set Freydis on a brand new path in faith and one that diverts significantly from the one her brother is seemingly headed down.

Freydis' future could be one of fact and fiction

It's no secret that Jeb Stuart's interpretation of historical figures in "Vikings" has sometimes taken the occasional not-so-historical swerve for dramatic effect. Given this tactic, there's every chance that the future of Freydis could go a similar way if this vision suggests anything. Shortly after her experience, Freydis is forced to flee Uppsala after God-fearing zealot Jarl Kåre (Asbjørn Krogh Nissen) invades the holy land and turns the place to ruin. Did her vision show what was to come? Most likely. However, could her glimpse of people desperate to help stretch beyond Uppsala?

With her constant reference of being "The Last," Freydis could be the one to reignite the Pagan faith elsewhere in line with The Seer's words. To "make the tools" she needs to reinforce the old ways back into the Viking people that is currently being opposed by varying levels of Christian hostility. If so, how might that affect her relationship with her brother Leif, who in the same episode has a moment with a new God following his escape from death in the recent battle in England? Historically, the two sailed together on a voyage that led to the discovery of North America (aka Vinland) around this time, so how will that impact her effort to keep the faith for herself and her people? We can only wait and see when "Vikings: Valhalla" returns for an eagerly anticipated second voyage.