Frank Reagan's Worst Moment In Blue Bloods Season 3

As the commissioner of the New York City Police Department in the CBS drama "Blue Bloods," Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) has made some tough decisions and lives with a number of regrets, including ordering a raid on an entire complex as well as a decades-old cold case involving a 9-year-old boy that he never solved.

However, as the patriarch of an entire family dedicated to law enforcement, the job is the job for Frank, even with one of his children, Joe, killed on the job before the series begins. He's nevertheless proud of his considerable achievements as a police officer, his multiple children and grandchildren, and the Sunday dinners he hosts every week on the series.

Frank isn't a bad man, but then again, none of the Reagans are perfect, and some of their actions have come back to haunt them over the course of the show. This scene in Season 3 didn't even have anything to do with his job as NYPD commissioner, but it still didn't make Frank look very good.

Frank started a romance with someone his daughter's age

In "Protest Too Much," Frank meets Whitney Robshaw (Sarah Wynter) at Erin's (Bridget Moynahan) birthday party. Whitney is an ACLU rep who knows Erin and is close to her age. After a meeting where they have some chemistry, Frank and Whitney have drinks together and are photographed by a man with a grudge against the NYPD. When Erin sees the photos, she and Frank spar about the age difference, and Frank decides not to enter a relationship with the much younger woman.

Frank has been widowed a long time and should be able to date whoever he likes. Still, seeing a woman close to your daughter's age can come about as creepy, and while Erin overreacts to the situation, it's understandable that she wouldn't feel great about the relationship. One IMDb user pointed out that a plot where Frank was being set up by Whitney would have been more interesting in the end than Erin merely being petty. Either way, the situation is much weirder than either Frank or "Blue Bloods" itself really acknowledged.