The Highest-Rated Episode Of Futurama According To IMDb

With 140 episodes under its belt, "Futurama" has no shortage of entertaining episodes. Created by Matt Groening, the same man behind "The Simpsons" and Netflix's "Disenchanted," "Futurama" retains that countercultural comedic style that Groening is known for. At the same time, its litany of deep references to science fiction, fantasy, math, and pop culture make it relatable to many people. At its best, an episode of "Futurama" is equal parts intellectual, comedic, and emotional, and gives its viewers a reason to care about its characters.

That much can be said for its highest-rated episode according to IMDb. With an overall rating of 9.6 out of 10, Season 4 Episode 7, "Jurassic Bark" has its fair share of gut-busting gags, like Fry using "The Hustle" as an example of "his people's native dance." However, its biggest strength lies in its emotional impact. With very few contenders, the episode may just be the saddest story in the chronicles of Phillip J. Fry.

Jurassic Bark is the most heart wrenching episode in Futurama history

Nothing gets tears flowing like the tale of a dead dog. In the case of "Futurama," that tale is made even more bitter by its association with Fry's lost past, as the out-of-time delivery boy is reminded once again that everything he once knew and loved is dead, including his old dog Seymour. When Fry hears that the old pizzeria he worked at has now been uncovered as an archeological site, he travels there only to find the calcified corpse of his canine companion. Remembering the good times he spent feeding the mangy mutt pizza and teaching Seymour to sing "Walkin' on Sunshine," Fry lobbies to have his dog's remains returned to him.

Following Seymour's successful retrieval, the Professor reveals that he can extract the last remnants of Seymour's DNA to resurrect him via cloning. Fry is ecstatic and prepares for Seymour's return. Meanwhile, Bender's jealousy over the matter heightens. Moments before the cloning process begins, Bender throws Seymour's remains into the molten core of the Earth, only to immediately retrieve it in a fit of regret. It seems like Fry is all set to get his dog back, but decides not to go through with it after learning that Seymour lived a full life span and probably forgot about him. In a flashback to the 20th century, we see that Seymour actually spent the rest of his life waiting outside the pizzeria for Fry to come back home.

Don't believe it's that sad? Just ask the fans

We aren't the only ones who value "Jurassic Bark" for its ability to make us cry. "Futurama" fans also recognize just how tragic Fry and Seymour's story is. The fact that the show plays a tear-jerking rendition of Connie Francis' "I Will Wait For You" (per IMDb) to a montage of Seymour waiting for a master who will never return doesn't help. In either case, fans have been more than candid on Reddit about how the story affected them.

"It's too bad 95% of Jurassic Bark is such a very funny episode because the last part of the episode keeps me from ever putting it on," wrote u/rocksauce. Another person, u/grein posted, Jurassic Bark is devious, in the way that the sadness just sneaks up and slaps you in the face," 

Thankfully, "Jurassic Bark" turns out to not be the final word in Fry and Seymour's story. During the first "Futurama" movie, "Bender's Big Score," an alternate version of Fry returns to the 20th century and resumes his life working at the pizzeria. So, even though the original episode shows a much more tragic version of Seymour's life. In reality, the dog actually did spend his last years with his beloved master.