Why The Wookiee Gladiator Has Book Of Boba Fett Fans Excited For A Major Character Reveal

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "The Book of Boba Fett" Chapter 2

Much like that other massive franchise Disney owns that comes complete with hammer-wielding Norse gods and talking trees, the ever-expanding world of "Star Wars" and the characters that inhabit it are likely to cross paths with one another the more we set foot in it. One example of this appears in the second episode of "The Book of Boba Fett," which premiered this week, when the titular ex-bounty hunter stands against two members of the Hutt clan and a very noticeable bodyguard.

After taking over the palace formerly owned by Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) encounters further fallout from his power move, this time from the deceased crime lord's cousins, who are two Hutt twins. Keen to take back their cousin's territory, they flex their criminal muscle with the accompaniment of a feared Wookiee bounty hunter, who goes by the name of Black Krrsantan. Decked out in gold and wielding an enormous rifle, this intimidating rug with a mean streak may be making his first debut into the live-action side of the "Star Wars" universe, but he's been around for some time. In fact, he's makes several memorable appearances, specifically, when it comes to working with a well-known "Doctor."

Fans think this warrior Wookiee could lead us to Doctor Aphra

While only briefly seen in this week's episode, Black Krrsantan (also known as "Santy," "BK," or "Black K") has spent a long time wandering the galaxy committing nefarious deeds. Banished by his people on Kashyyyk, BK eventually finds himself working as a deadly gladiator before taking up the occupation of a bounty hunter (via Wookieepedia).

During his many jobs, Black Krrsantan crosses paths and eventually comes into the employment of archaeologist Chelli Lona Aphra, also known as Doctor Aphra. A character that has been prominent in the "Star Wars" comics for a while now, Aphra also has her own comic book series. Throughout her adventures, she works for various parties both good and bad, including the feared Sith Lord, Darth Vader

Her partnership with BK is a lengthy one, described by one fan, u/Kellythejellyman on Reddit, as "the evil versions of Luke's friends." Aphra and BK are the other side of the coin to Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), and they cause just as much trouble. Given that one half of this pairing appears in the new episode, could the other not be too far behind? Fans can only wait and see as "The Book of Boba Fett" continues on Disney+ next week.