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Did Cobra Kai Season 4 Finally Reveal What Happened To Miguel's Dad?

This article contains spoilers for the "Cobra Kai" Season 4 episodes "Bicephaly" and "The Rise"

Throughout the run of "Cobra Kai," there's been one enduring mystery that has tantalized fans of the "Myagi-verse": Where is Miguel Diaz's (Xolo Maridueña) father? 

Fans have been fed tiny pieces of information about Miguel's unnamed padre throughout the show. Through stories told by Miguel or his mother Carmen (Vanessa Rubio), we know that they married very young and lived together in Ecuador before Carmen found out that Miguel's father had lied about his job. It's hinted that he's got a major dark side, and that he may have abused Carmen during their marriage. Carmen divorced the man and left Ecuador with an infant Miguel and her mother, Rosa (Rose Bianco). Miguel has thus never known much about his father. 

But does the fourth season of "Cobra Kai" reveal what happened to Mr. Diaz? 

Season 4 of Cobra Kai does reveal some more information about Miguel's dad

During the fourth episode of Season 4, titled "Bicephaly," Miguel takes in a driving lesson with his sensei, Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio). He explains to Daniel that he doesn't know much about his father. "He got caught up in something illegal," Miguel says. He then reveals that a pregnant Carmen tried to convince his father to stop doing whatever he'd been up to, but the man refused. This resulted in Carmen fleeing Ecuador. Miguel admits to looking his father up but he hasn't told Carmen. Mr. Diaz, it turns out, now lives in Mexico.

All of Miguel's feelings about his father come to a head in the Season 4 finale where, in the wake of Eagle Fang and Myagi-do's defeat at the All Valley Championships, he runs away to Mexico in search of his roots. Leaving behind a note which Carmen later finds and then shows to Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka), Miguel explains that karate hasn't given him a sense of identity he'd hoped it would. Deciding that he needs to meet his father, he begs his family not to worry.

Carmen is horrified because Mr. Diaz doesn't know that his son exists, which means she never told him about her pregnancy before leaving Ecuador. Determined to bring Miguel home safe, Johnny vows to head to Mexico and rescue Miguel. Fans will have to wait for Season 5 to find out how everything turns out.