The Yellowstone Season 4 Episode 6 Scene Fans Thought Went Too Far

"Yellowstone" has certainly had a bombastic Season 4 so far, with the Dutton family recovering from targeted assassination attempts and looking to deal out some richly deserved payback. The family has engaged in retribution, and have mercilessly hunted down those who have wronged them and theirs. Family loyalty has been tested, and Kevin Costner's John Dutton wants to know where everyone stands — that includes his long-time employees, both branded and otherwise.

The most recent episode saw a brewing conflict between Lloyd (Forrie J. Smith) and Walker (Ryan Bingham) finally come to a head, which resulted in one of them stabbed in the chest and a guitar smashed. This took place in the bunkhouse, a location that hosts all of the extra farm hands needed to run the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. As we all know, there's no fighting on the Yellowstone. Anyone that wants to fight, has to fight Rip (Cole Hauser), which no one in their right mind would ever want to do. John Dutton doesn't much care for fighting on his ranch either, and in response to the recent kerfuffle, he made a decision that fans thought went too far.

Yellowstone fans think Teeter did no wrong

The scene in question comes when John Dutton orders Rip (Cole Hauser) to fire all of the women from the bunkhouse. Rip reluctantly agrees, but that invokes a rather strong response from Teeter (Jen Langdon). When presented with this information and her final pay check, Teeter has a few choice curse words for Rip, who responds that it wasn't his decision to make. Fans quickly took to Reddit to discuss this scene, with one user starting the hashtag: "TeeterDidNoWrong."

Redditor Phata**Dragon1701 added, "Plot wise, doesn't make a lick of sense. Teeter should have stayed. Production wise, Jennifer Landon has an existing work contract on the series FBI Most Wanted. This may have been a way of getting her off the ranch and, Yellowstone's production, to keep her contract with the other productions since her character is getting more and more screen time over there. We will have to wait and see what happens in the next few episodes, but Rip should have fought harder to keep her." Others agreed with this line of thinking.

Some users brought up the fact that Teeter is a "branded" worker, meaning she should technically be considered a member of the Yellowstone family for life. Reddit user Imaginary-Carrot7663 joked that, "Next episode will have Kevin Costner doing another speech like saying word and honor is all he has while forgetting that they fired a branded worker." 

Another Reddit comment replied that creator Taylor Sheridan should figure out a way to bring Teeter back onto the show. With that, we wholeheartedly agree.