Jennifer Morrison To Leave Once Upon A Time

If there's a seventh season of Once Upon a Time, it will look very different.

Jennifer Morrison, who has starred as Emma Swan since the beginning, will depart the ABC fantasy series after the current season, according to Variety.

She opened up about her decision to leave in an Instagram post. "As I reached the end of my six-year contract on Once Upon a Time, I was faced with a significant decision. ABC, Eddy Kitsis, and Adam Horowitz very generously invited me to continue as a series regular. After very careful consideration, I have decided that creatively and personally, it is time for me to move on."

However, that doesn't mean she'll completely disappear, should the show be renewed. Morrison will still show up in one episode next season, and she said she'll try to make it to conventions whenever possible.

"As I move on to other creative endeavors, I will continue to attend the fan conventions whenever my professional schedule allows," she said. "I always look forward meeting the fans. If ABC Network does in fact order a season 7, I have agreed to appear in one episode, and I will most certainly continue to watch Once Upon a Time. The creativity of the show runners has always inspired me, and I cannot wait to see the ways that they continue to develop and reinvent the show."

Series co-creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis released a statement about the departure. "The past six years of collaborating with Jennifer as Emma Swan have been truly magical," they said. "Watching her breathe life into Emma, she accomplished more than we could have dreamed possible. She gave life to a brand-new Disney Princess, filled with strength and intelligence and an incredible closet full of red leather jackets. We'll miss seeing her every day, but her imprint upon Once Upon a Time is indelible. She will always be a part of the show and its heart and soul. That said, just because Jennifer won't be back every week doesn't mean we won't see our savior again."

Prior to Once Upon a Time, Morrison co-starred in the hit Fox medical drama House, appeared on How I Met Your Mother, and played Captain Kirk's mom in the 2009 Star Trek reboot.

As Variety reports, the show has seen its ratings drop dramatically since it premiered in 2011, but the series is expected to get a seventh season.

While we wait to see what kind of ending the writers have planned, take a look at some TV cancellations that never should've happened