Netflix Teases New Details About Umbrella Academy Season 3

It's been awfully quiet on "The Umbrella Academy" front for a while now, but Netflix is finally starting to drop a few hints about the series' anxiously-anticipated third season. It's already been a torturous wait for diehard fans of the show as more than a year has passed since the season 2 finale of the show dropped a legitimately head-spinning twist. That shocking ending was even more difficult to fathom as it came just after the time-displaced Hargreeves clan used their combined powers to defeat the nefarious Handler (Kate Walsh) and got themselves back to their own timeline.

Once they get back home, the Hargreeves are shocked to find another superhero team already in their residence, with the resurrected Ben Hargreeves (Justin H. Min) and Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore) apparently calling the shots. While we still don't know much about the how's, why's, and who's of The Sparrow Academy, the implications of those unexpected resurrections, or just what the heck that floating green cube thing is, a recently released teaser for Season 3 of "The Umbrella Academy" has finally confirmed the when's and where's of the next adventure.

Updates on The Umbrella Academy Season 3

The Season 3 teaser hit Netflix's official "The Umbrella Academy" page just this morning. While the cleverly animated clip doesn't offer footage from the new season or even a glimpse of everyone's favorite dysfunctional family of supers, the 14-second video gives a couple of big updates on the new season. First and foremost, the teaser confirms fans of the show are going to have to wait a little longer to get their eyes on the new season as the final image in the teaser drops a big old "2022" into frame. Unfortunately, there's no specific date given as to when Season 3 of "The Umbrella Academy" will arrive next year. Given that Season 1 of the show debuted in February and Season 2 landed July, there's not really a precedent for what time of year new episodes typically drop.

That's the bad news. Now for the good news, which is that the Season 3 teaser for "The Umbrella Academy" seemingly confirms the widely-circulated theory that the next run of episodes will tackle the fan-favorite "Hotel Oblivion" storyline from Gerard Way's and Gabriel Bá's beloved graphic novel series. If you've yet to dive into the series' source material, we'll spare you any spoilers by not diving into details surrounding that wild narrative arc. But fans of Way and Bá know things are going to get crazier than ever in Season 3 of "The Umbrella Academy." Here's hoping the new season arrives sooner in 2022 than later.