Ed Sheeran Opens Up About His Game Of Thrones Season 7 Cameo

Game of Thrones will infuse a little musical flair into its seventh season when singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran makes a cameo appearance. Though the HBO series is known for its pre-season secrecy, Sheeran spilled a few details on what he'll get up to when the show returns this summer.

In the past, Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss confirmed Sheeran's involvement with the series, and explained that one of their biggest motivations in seeking him as a guest star was Maisie Williams, the actress who plays Arya Stark. Williams is a favorite musician of hers, and Benioff explained that they'd long been hoping to have him on Game of Thrones as a kind of gift for her. "For years we were trying to get Ed Sheeran on the show to surprise Maisie, and this year we finally did it," Benioff said.

It appears that Sheeran's musical influence and connection to Williams continue past his booking and into his performance. The "Shape of You" singer recently spoke with The Hits Radio about his part, revealing that it's brief but befitting. Reportedly, Sheeran will sing a pretty tune and impress Williams' Ayra in the process.

"I just do a scene with Maisie. I sing a song and then she goes, 'Oh, that's a nice song,'" Sheeran said. By the sounds of it, the singer's appearance is short and simple, and likely exactly what Williams had hoped for when dreaming up a Sheeran guest spot.

However, this is Game of Thrones we're talking about, so will Sheeran's character face a gruesome death in the seconds after he belts out a melody? It's unlikely. Sheeran previously stated that he won't be given the axe (or the sword) in the series. "I do know which role I am going to play [and] I don't die in it," he told The Daily Star earlier this month. But as all Game of Thrones fans know, anything can happen come air time.

Game of Thrones Season 7 is set for a July 16 premiere on HBO. While we wait to hear the show's infectious theme tune once again, and later catch Sheeran in his small role, check out the untold truth of Game of Thrones.