The Real Reason Why Lilly Wachowski Is Sitting Out The Matrix: Resurrections

March of 1999 saw the premiere of "The Matrix," a film starring the likes of Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne, and more. However, for as stellar as the cast's performances were, the biggest factor in the movie's success and its pop-culture longevity is its intriguing look at the nature of reality. Is our world actually all it proclaims to be? Or are we trapped inside a simulation, with no hope of ever "waking up" from this nightmare? These are the questions that launched a franchise, enthralling fans the world over.

Of course, none of this success would have come to fruition without the visionary duo of Lilly and Lana Wachowski at the helm. The sisters had launched their careers as screenwriters in the mid-1990s for "Assassins" before leaping into the directing world a year later on "Bound." These experiences led them to bring "The Matrix" to life along with its two sequels from 2003, "The Matrix Reloaded" and "The Matrix Revolutions" — both of which failed miserably to reach the same heights as their revolutionary predecessor. Nevertheless, when news of a fourth "Matrix" installment broke, the excitement was palpable, to say the least.

"The Matrix: Resurrections" is primed to release in December of 2022, with most of the original trilogy's cast returning to their famed roles. Although, Lilly Wachowski isn't attached to the project and doesn't have any intention of doing so. Here's why.

Lilly Wachowski didn't want to reopen old wounds with The Matrix: Resurrections

It has been nearly 20 years since the last "Matrix" movie hit the big screen, and, generally speaking, a lot has changed in that time. This holds especially true for the Wachowski sisters, whose personal and professional lives have gone through so much rapid change in ways good and bad. As Lilly explained, returning to "The Matrix" series would have only opened up old wounds that she'd prefer not to reopen. "There was something about the idea of going backward and being a part of something that I had done before that was expressly unappealing." 

She continued, telling Showtime's TCA panel in August of 2021 (via The Wrap) that the progress she'd made in her transition coupled with the death of her mom and dad drained her of motivation to get started on "The Matrix: Resurrections," let alone co-direct it with her sister Lana. Therefore, she came to the determination that leaving the project alone was in her best interest, saying, "I was going to go back and live in these old shoes in a way. And I didn't want to do that." Lilly also notes that she's unsure when and if she'll collaborate with Lana in the future and on what project.

Is it a shame that the Wachowskis didn't collaborate in making "The Matrix: Resurrections" a reality? Yes, but at the end of the day, mental health comes first. If Lilly Wachowski felt better not coming back to the IP, then she certainly made the right call.