The Margaery Tyrell Scene In Game Of Thrones That Went Too Far

"Game of Thrones" is not exactly known for its morally upstanding characters. In fact, the show deliberately tries to ground the fantasy genre with a healthy dose of realism while injecting some actual history-inspired events (per BBC). This approach means that terms like "good" and "evil" mean very little in the war-torn fantasy world of "Game of Thrones." Characters who seem honorable and righteous also make horrific choices and, contrariwise, the dastardly, so-called villains occasionally perform acts of kindness and honor. 

With that in mind, Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer) has a lot in common with her peers on the show. While always hungry for power, like most characters on "Game of Thrones," she does possess kindness and understanding that is quite uncommon among other royalty in Westeros. Still, no one is incapable of making terrible, inexcusable choices, and Margaery is no different.

In fact, there's one particular story arc of hers that some would argue simply goes way too far, even in this world of murder, betrayal, and oppression.

Margaery Tyrell manipulated Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones

Margaery Tyrell is originally supposed to marry the cruel and brutal Joffrey Baratheon (Jack Gleeson), but upon his assassination, she marries Tommen Baratheon (Dean-Charles Chapman) instead. Tommen is far kinder than his brother but more susceptible to manipulation because of his young age and naivety. Margaery uses this to her advantage and emotionally manipulates the young king into doing everything she wants. It's a truly uncomfortable relationship, and every scene between the two characters is difficult to watch.

Eventually, after Margaery is killed by Tommen's mother, Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), Tommen dies by suicide by jumping from a tower. While it's clear that his mother, with her thirst for power above all else, shares responsibility for this, the deeply problematic relationship between Margaery and Tommen is at fault too. The fact that it ends so tragically is not only a testament to how realistic "Game of Thrones" can be at times, but also another indicator of just how grim and unrelenting the show is when it comes to killing off its characters.

So was it worth it for Margaery? The young woman successfully becomes Queen of the Seven Kingdoms through her marriage to Joffrey, and then Tommen, but it's quite a short reign. She easily gains control of Tommen, who falls in love with her, but she can't beat Cersei's manipulations, which lead the Faith Militant to arrest her brother Loras (Finn Jones) and then her. Tommen, without enough knowledge about the world of politics and how to use his power, is unable to save his wife or handle the emotional aftermath. 

Margaery learned her skills of manipulation from her family

Just as Tommen's history of being coddled by his mother and abused by his older brother shapes him into the innocent and ill-prepared king he becomes, Margaery's manipulative ways are definitely created by those who raised her. In her case, the most influential person in her life is arguably Olenna Tyrell (Dame Diana Rigg), her grandmother and the matriarch of the Tyrell line. We all know how cunning the old woman is, successfully murdering Joffrey at his own wedding and framing Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) in order to further her personal plans to get Margaery on the throne, which in turn leads to her marriage to Tommen. You could even argue that Olenna is to blame for Margaery's death, although this is undoubtably unintentional, as Olenna truly loves her granddaughter and will do anything to protect her.

Margaery has ambitious dreams born from Olenna's guidance, and she knows how to manipulate people, especially men, in order to get what she wants. She's taught that power and control is the main goal in life — no matter the cost — which Olenna continuously encourages. While Margaery appears to actually be a good person and care for Tommen, she is too blinded by the influences of her family and the psychological warfare going on in King's Landing. Margaery tries to manipulate Tommen while still keeping him safe, but in the end her own goals remain the top priority and Margaery uses Tommen as a pawn, leading him down the path to his horrific fate. 

Compared to other characters in "Game of Thrones," especially Cersei, Margaery seems like a saint. But is she just as bad as the rest of them for the death her manipulations cause, or is she also a victim?

If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ at​ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​.