James Gunn Announces Awesome Mix Vol. 2 Release Date

Get ready for awesome. According to director James Gunn, the soundtrack for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 which is aptly titled Awesome Mix Vol. 2, will be released on April 28.

Gunn previously said on Facebook Live (when he also revealed that Baby Groot will be without his past memories in the new movie) that Awesome Mix Vol. 2 was "coming in a couple of weeks." The director said that songs featured in the trailers and teasers may or may not be on the soundtrack, so we are pretty much without clues on what songs will appear.

A few potential (but unlikely) inclusions can also be found on the cast's specially-curated Awesome Mix, which includes each of their top picks for inclusion on the movie's soundtrack. (It's unclear which, if any, of the songs made the actual cut, although it's likely that the studio would have kept the film's real soundtrack off the list to avoid spoilers).

Guardians of the Galaxy relied heavily on music, and, from the sequel's synopsis (which begins with the words "Set to the backdrop of Awesome Mixtape Vol. 2"), it seems like the sequel is going to follow the same path. Seeing the full track list for the movie may not actually provide all that many plot details, but it will give fans a little bit more to dissect while waiting for the movie to hit theaters on May 5. In the meantime, read up on hidden details you may have missed in the trailer.