Rumored Details About Benicio Del Toro's Star Wars Character

We don't know much about the character Benicio del Toro plays in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but we know he's shady. After all, this is Benicio del Toro we're talking about.

While Lucasfilm has remained typically secretive about his role since announcing that del Toro would be part of the cast, the reliable folks at Making Star Wars have uncovered a few rumored details about the character's look and ship.

The shadowy figure is reportedly named "D.J.," but there's a good chance that's just a code name used during production. It's believed the character will be involved with the "casino planet" of Canto Bight, and del Toro might appear appropriately sleazy. He reportedly wears all black with a trench coat similar to one of Anakin Skywalker's outfits in Revenge of the Sith, and a "Han Solo-style" belt to hold his blaster. He wears his hair short, but also has an odd cap that doesn't have a bill. He looks "slimy and dirty," and like he "belongs in the criminal underworld."

However, in stark contrast, his ship is rumored to be "really fancy" and akin to a luxury yacht. The cockpit has one red seat for him to pilot, and a communal section in the back. It's described as "a mixture of Amidala's Nubian ship" from The Phantom Menace with J.J. Abrams' sleek look for elements of The Force Awakens–like the First Order Stormtroopers.

Del Toro won't be the only new addition to the Star Wars galaxy. Laura Dern is also in the flick, and rumored to play an aristocratic political rival to Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher).

Of course, none of this is official, so take it all with a grain of salt. But it certainly seems to line up with what we've already heard. We could find out more very soon: it's likely that Lucasfilm will debut a teaser or footage from The Last Jedi during next week's annual Star Wars Celebration.

The Last Jedi is set to arrive in theaters Dec. 15. Meanwhile, check out why it'll be better than you think.