Zack Snyder Responds To Justice League Runtime Rumors

It looks like the 170 minute runtime IMDb has listed for Justice League may wind up being false. Director Zack Snyder spoke about the length of the film on his Twitter following reports that the movie would be nearly three hours long, saying, "Forgot to tell you that I screened the first cut of JL for IMDB. Thought that was standard WB procedure. No?"

A 170-minute first cut isn't completely unheard of, but that does likely mean that some footage will get cut out to make the movie a bit shorter. However, it's possible that we could end up seeing a director's cut that falls somewhere in this range, especially considering Snyder's lengthy history when it comes to superhero movies. Man of Steel ran for 143 minutes, while Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice went even longer, hitting the 151-minute mark.

His other superhero outing, Watchmen, ran for 162 minutes in theaters with a 186-minute director's cut. With all of the storylines that need to be pulled into a superhero extravaganza as big as Justice League, it's more likely to fall on the lengthy end; however, it should be noted that competitor Marvel has been sure to keep its superhero team-up movies (relatively) short, with the first Avengers clocking in at 143 minutes (with a 173-minute extended cut), Age of Ultron hitting 141 minutes, and Captain America: Civil War (which was basically an Avengers movie) running 147 minutes.

With Justice League still in post-production, it will likely be a while before we know what the actual length of the film is. The movie, starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher, Ezra Miller, and Jason Momoa, hits theaters (potentially for three hours at a time) on November 17. In the meantime, read up on what we know thus far.