Felicity Smoak Will Suit Up Next Week On Legends Of Tomorrow

It looks like the consequences of the Legion of Doom finally recovering the Spear of Destiny are going to be pretty far-reaching on Legends of Tomorrow. Executive producer Marc Guggenheim shared some official concept art on his Twitter, hinting that Arrow's resident tech wiz Felicity Smoak will suit up in the newly rewritten reality.

The trailer for next week's Legends, titled "Doomworld," doesn't reveal Felicity in action, but it does show a number of other effects from the Legion of Doom's nefarious plan, including Sara and Amaya becoming bodyguards for Damien Darkh and Malcolm Merlyn. Stein also appears to be an employee of a very angry Jefferson, and Ray becomes a backwards hat-wearing janitor. Clearly, the newly rewritten reality will be quite different than what they are used to and, provided that Guggenheim isn't just playing tricks on us, it looks like that new reality will also include a superhero (or super-villain) Felicity.

It's unclear if Felicity will have special powers or if she will just be a vigilante. Her proposed costume does, at least from the mask, look a little bit similar to Oliver's, though. (It also looks quite similar to that of the Huntress from the first two seasons.) We'll have to wait until Legends of Tomorrow returns next Tuesday on The CW to see what exactly a suited up Felicity looks like and what that means for the character. In the meantime, though, find out why the show is a must-watch.