The Kaiju Score - What We Know So Far
Every good heist story needs an element of chaos. If there wasn't one, then the entire heist would go exactly as planned, and that's no fun. All of the excitement, the tension in the situation, comes from the fact that something unexpected has occurred, and now the film's heroic ne'er-do-wells have to adapt to new circumstances. Unfortunately, adaptation may be impossible for the heroes of the upcoming film "The Kaiju Score." After all, it's almost impossible to account for anything that happens when a giant monster attacks the city, especially when you're midway through the biggest heist of your life.
Based on the comic series by writer James Patrick and artist Rem Broo, "The Kaiju Score" is the most recent planned film from Sony Pictures and Escape Artists (via Deadline). It sets out to adapt the first (and only) arc of the four-volume comic series released by AfterShock comics in 2020. This film was announced only recently, so information is still sparse. That being said, there's still much to discuss about "The Kaiju Score." Here is what we know so far.
When will the Kaiju Score release?
Unfortunately, it's too early in the production of "The Kaiju Score" to point towards a specific release date. Sony Pictures has had its hands on the film rights since 2020, but have only just announced the writers working on adapting the original comics into a screenplay. They are Brian and Mark Gunn, brother and cousin respectively to "Guardians of the Galaxy" director, James Gunn (via Variety).
It's unclear how far into the writing process the Gunns are with "The Kaiju Score," but it will likely be a long time before the film hits theaters regardless. Generally speaking, Hollywood films take a little over two years to complete (via Stephen Follows), and "The Kaiju Score" has only one year behind it at best. Assuming everything goes well, "The Kaiju Score" might hit theaters in late 2022 or 2023. However, just like with a heist, chaos can rear its ugly head in many between then and now. There's no guarantee that the film will be released as soon as physically possible.
Who is in the cast for the Kaiju Score?
Even more so than the release date, the cast set to star in "The Kaiju Score" is a complete mystery. Given that the screenplay isn't even complete, Sony Pictures and Escape Artists probably haven't gotten very far into the casting process. There's no script for actors to look at, and no lines to read during auditions. Of course, because the story already exists in comic form, it wouldn't be a surprise if the studios had actors in mind for certain characters. They'd most certainly be jumping the Gunn if they announced anything this early.
On the bright side, this opens up plenty of room for fans to think of actors they'd like to see in a Kaiju-centric heist film. Legendary's MonsterVerse is proof that plenty of big-name actors are down to play second fiddle to CGI monsters like Godzilla. Combine that with the heist genre's long history of star-studded casts (think the cast of "Ocean's Eleven" meets "Godzilla vs. Kong") and there's endless possibilities for the cast of "The Kaiju Score."
What is the story of The Kaiju Score?
Of all the key elements contributing to "The Kaiju Score," we know the most about the story. For obvious reasons, a lot of the film's plot is already established. Granted, few screenplays are perfect adaptations. Deviations are usually necessary, and news writers and directors usually like to leave their own creative mark. As a result, the most consistent story element shared by the two will likely be the premise, while some of the details get altered or lost in translation. With that in mind, here is what fans can expect to see when "The Kaiju Score" releases.
Described by author James Patrick as "a Quentin Tarantino film that takes place smack in the middle of a Godzilla movie," "The Kaiju Score" follows four individuals making a desperate bid to steal a veritable fortune. Their target is millions of dollars worth of art, and if getting into the room where it's stored is bad enough, then the kaiju turning the city around them to dust is just icing on the cake. This is their last shot for a life of luxury, but will they make it out alive? Viewers can expect to find out when "The Kaiju Score" releases.