The Weird Connection Between Naruto And Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

"Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" is every bit as much of an action movie as it is an ode to retro video games. In the midst of its litany of eight-bit references stands a staggering amount of expertly choreographed, shot, and directed fight sequences good enough to give martial arts legends like Jackie Chan a run for their money. Of course, "Scott Pilgrim" dabbles in a bit more in CGI to enhance its action than some other films, but the end result is still something extremely impressive. Somehow, a dork like Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) was presented as a certified tough guy, going toe-to-toe with a slew of deadly opponents.

Something you might not know about "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World," however, is the weird connection these fight scenes have with the world of anime. While the bulk of the film's obvious references are from the world of gaming, the film is still closely tied to Japan's other major media industry. Believe it or not, the film's creators even took direct inspiration from anime such as "Naruto" to make their characters feel and fight like true-blue warriors.

Why Scott Pilgrim's creators drew on Naruto's fight scenes

As "Naruto" fans are already aware, fight scenes are one of the show's fortes. Its shinobi superstars may use a variety of magical jutsu for battles, but they aren't afraid to go hand-to-hand if they need to. In fact, the ninjas of "Naruto" have an entire school of techniques, known as taijutsu, dedicated to the art of beating the tar out of one's opponent. In an interview with MTV News, Frazer Churchill, the visual effects supervisor for "Scott Pilgrim," explained why certain action sequences from "Naruto's" anime and manga were referenced during the film's production.

"We had a reference reel of cartoons and manga series like 'Naruto,' which was a big influence because it has those 'killer moves,' " he explained. "In 'Street Fighter' or 'Mortal Kombat,' there will be a 'killer move,' but in 'Naruto' you've got that real manga style, so when somebody gets hit with a 'killer move,' the background will drop out and a huge graphic will be superimposed behind them."

That technique of toning down the background and adding effects for "killer moves" is used several times throughout "Scott Pilgrim," and it really serves to emphasize the power behind the moves thrown by Scott and his opponents. It also helps to bring out the "video-gamey" qualities of "Scott Pilgrim's" surreal world. More so than anything, however, it is a testament to the creativity held by the film's creators.