What American Horror Story: Hotel Did Best According To Fans

No two "American Horror Story" seasons are the same. In fact, ask fans of the horror anthology series what they liked best about each season, and you'll likely get completely different answers. Some fans will say it was the show's killer clowns and bloody murders that made the biggest impact on them, while others may prefer the quieter moments of eerie suspense. Alternatively, certain "American Horror Story" viewers watch for the show's numerous romances — central or supporting — or for the familial bonds and strong friendships and rivalries that typically form over the course of its seasons. Meanwhile, some folks probably just like to look at the show's gorgeous costumes, set design, and impressive effects.

With all this in mind, the fans over at the "American Horror Story" subreddit have set about trying to figure out what each of the show's previous seasons has done best, and it looks as though they've finally nailed down what makes the show's "Hotel" season appeal to both the senses and the heart.

American Horror Story fans love the fashion and romance in Hotel

Unsurprisingly, it's the sumptuous fashion of "American Horror Story: Hotel" — especially the costumes worn by Lady Gaga's Countess Elizabeth Johnson, Angela Bassett's Ramona Royale, and Denis O'Hare's Liz Taylor — that has been named by Reddit user u/theralphamale as the best part of the season. "The attention to detail for the cast costumes was incredible. Gaga's outfits, Angela Basset's outfits, and even Denis's Finn's and Matt Bomer's wardrobes were beautiful to look at," noted the user in their post.

Indeed, the show's costumes are particularly easy on the eyes throughout "Hotel." Part of this is likely attributable to the fact that there is an entire subplot in the season centered in the world of fashion, featuring model Tristian Duffy (Finn Wittrock), who eventually falls in love with Gaga's Liz, and fashion designer Will Drake (Cheyenne Jackson), who becomes a permanent fixture in the season's central hotel after becoming enamored of the Countess. This is the only "American Horror Story" season thus far to feature a full-on runway fashion show as well, so it's naturally the perfect pick for anyone who loves to see a well-designed dress or suit show up on-screen.

Other users in the Reddit thread agreed with the OP's note about the fashion in "Hotel," with u/shelleyshocked writing that it was "one of the best seasons for fashion." The user also went on praise the season's various romantic storylines, noting, "I also really enjoyed the numerous dramatic romances because I'm a hopeless romantic." u/VeryGreenGreenbeans also complimented the love stories in "Hotel," saying that the season "had so much romance and did it so well."