The Flash Fans Just Got Terrible News About The Movie

The road to the big screen has been a rocky one, to say the least, for Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment's standalone "The Flash" movie. The film was first announced way back in the mid-2010s, with Ezra Miller tabbed to portray the faster-than-light Barry Allen (aka The Flash) in the then-fledgling DCEU. Miller made his first appearance as The Flash in 2016's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," with Warner Bros. and DC bosses initially eyeing a 2018 release date for the character's solo project.

After several public arrivals and departures in both the screenwriting and directors' chairs, the essential undoing of the DCEU as it had been planned, and some questionable moves from Miller himself, the production delays just kept on coming for "The Flash." The ship seemed to get righted when Andy Muschietti ("It") came on board to direct, with the film finally getting in front of cameras earlier this year. Production on "The Flash" has apparently been going smoothly, but Glasgow Live is now reporting that things have been shut down due to an on-set incident, and there's no timetable for the cast and crew to get back to work.

A stunt gone wrong has temporarily shut down production

That incident surprisingly has nothing to do with a fresh wave of COVID-19 infections popping up the world over. Rather, the latest production issue to ensnare "The Flash" is the result of a stunt gone terribly wrong. In this particular case, it seems a camera rig inadvertently crashed into a Batcycle fit with a Batman stuntman aboard. According to Glasgow Live, it seems the stuntman came out okay in the incident, but the camera operator capturing the action from an in-motion motorcycle did not. 

Upon the collision, it appears the camera operator was thrown from their own bike, and subsequently "went under" the still moving Batcycle. An ambulance was promptly called, and the injured crew member was quickly rushed off to the hospital. As of this writing, their condition is unknown, and nobody involved in the production has offered an update or statement on the matter.

As it is, the incident shares eerie similarities to one that occurred a few years back on the set of "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter," where a crane-mounted camera collided with a stuntwoman aboard a speeding motorcycle, via ABC News. Hopefully, this will not be quite as severe as that one, which ended the career of the stuntwoman involved. Either way, it's a hearty reminder of the risks that crews take every single time a stunt is performed on a Hollywood set. Here's hoping "The Flash's" camera operator is okay, and that production can get back on track sooner rather than later.