What The Beaver From Netflix's Sexy Beasts Looks Like In Real Life

Netflix's new reality dating show "Sexy Beasts" is certainly a unique watch.

Similar to the streaming giant's hit "Love is Blind," the show sets out to answer the age-old question: When looking for love, is an emotional connection more important than a physical attraction?

"Sexy Beasts," though, gives the formula a strange twist. Contestants are outfitted in elaborate prosthetics to appear as animals or fantastical creatures — and the artistry of the costumes is incredibly impressive. In each episode, the lead contestant goes on a date with three "beasts," eliminating them one at a time until they make their final selection. The contestants faces are only revealed when they are eliminated, and when the lead chooses their lover, the two finally get to see each other face-to-face.

The creatures on the show are a varied bunch. There's Emma the Demon, Amber the Pixie, Ibrahim the Wolf, Tamiko the Zombie, and Nina the Dolphin, for example. In Episode 2, we follow James the Beaver, a lab technician from Los Angeles, as he looks for love. He has big muscles, and he says his heart is "even bigger." But we're curious — what does this eager beaver look like under all the fur?

James the Beaver is revealed to be very handsome

It turns out that beneath those terrible buck teeth, James is a very handsome young man. The audiences discovers, too, that his suitors are three beautiful women. James expresses regret over rejecting Amber and Tamiko when the ladies finally show themselves as being total hotties, and is very happy when he sees his pick, Alexis, walk out in her slinky dress.

Maybe the show's central thesis is correct, and our physical attraction to people often stops us from finding the emotional connections we're really seeking. Still, we always welcome a new dating show to enjoy, especially one that provides as much good, light-hearted fun as this one. Kate Knibbs at Wired notes how refreshingly simple the show is, saying, "With a few exceptions, the contestants on 'Sexy Beasts' openly embrace the ridiculousness and cynicism of its premise ... There are a few contestants, like the party-girl panda, who pay lip service to wanting to make a real romantic connection on the show, but most participants seem to view their appearances as a commitment somewhere between swiping right on Tinder and going on a third date."

With six episodes running about 25 minutes each, "Sexy Beasts" is the ideal binge when you're looking to turn off your brain. You can catch it streaming on Netflix.