This Is The Highest-Grossing Ryan Reynolds Movie Of All Time

These days, having Ryan Reynolds attached to your movie all but ensures that the project is going to get made. There's good reason for that, as the snarky, effortlessly charming actor is one of those rare talents who's loved as much by male audiences as he is by females. That combination has made Reynolds one of the more bankable stars in Hollywood. And even if Reynolds has had his fair share of stinkers over the years, even some of his legit misfires (i.e. "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," per Rotten Tomatoes) have still fared relatively well at the box office.

Reynolds, of course, hit paydirt and then some in 2016 when he signed up to front his very own superhero franchise as one of the comic book realm's most notorious heroes. No, we're not talking about "Green Lantern," which was actually released way back in 2011, and by most accounts (including one from Reynolds himself) remains not just a blemish on the actor's box office record, but superhero cinema as a whole. Rather, we're talking about Reynolds' very R-rated superhero franchise whose second film ranks, according to The Numbers, as his biggest box office hit to date — not to mention the second highest-grossing R-rated film ever released, via Newsweek.

Not surprisingly, Deadpool 2 is Ryan Reynolds' top money maker

Don't bother feigning shock that Reynolds' foul-mouthed, hyper-violent superhero fantasia "Deadpool 2" is the actor's highest-grossing film, because that bit of info should've been as plain as the disfigured nose on the Merc with a Mouth's gnarled face. And yes, "Deadpool 2" is more than worthy of the top spot as it's arguably the film in the Reynolds oeuvre that makes the best use of the snidely alluring swagger that helped make him a star, to begin with. The superhero sequel was also a bit of a passion project for Reynolds as he not only starred in "Deadpool 2," but produced the film and co-wrote the script as well.

As it happens, even if "Deadpool 2" bested its groundbreaking predecessor by a couple of million bucks at the box office, if budget reports listed on Box Office Mojo are accurate, the first movie was actually the more profitable of the two. Indeed, the box office tracking site notes that "Deadpool" netted roughly $782 million in worldwide ticket sales on a reported budget of $58 million, with "Deadpool 2" earning just north of $786 million on a $110 million budget. Numbers aside, most of us can agree the budget surplus was certainly not wasted on "Deadpool 2," with Reynolds and company pushing the superhero saga into places no fan could've anticipated. Likewise, it should be fascinating to see what Reynolds and team "Deadpool" do when the Merc makes his MCU debut in "Deadpool 3."