The Forgotten Jackie Chan Action Thriller You Can Stream On Amazon

Even if you're a hardcore Jackie Chan stan there's no shame in admitting that you may have missed seeing a few of the actor's films. After all, the iconic martial artist is incredibly prolific, having appeared in well over a hundred movies throughout his celebrated career. If you're looking to catch up on some of his more recent projects you should head over to Amazon Prime, where you'll find one you may not have even heard of before.

"Bleeding Steel" is part police-thriller, part martial arts action flick, and part cyberpunk adventure. It stars Chan as Special Agent Lin Dong, a Hong Kong cop who finds himself embroiled in an international battle against cybernetic supremacy. 13 years after a deadly showdown with a dangerous criminal named Andre (Callan Mulvey), Lin Dong must race to stop the now mechanically-enhanced super-soldier before he gets his hands on a mechanical heart that currently resides in the body of an unwitting young woman named Nancy (Ouyang Nana). The battle against Andre sees Lin Dong taking on a cast of eccentric baddies in jaw-dropping set pieces, including a bracing fight scene on the top of the Sydney Opera House.

If you missed this Chinese action thriller when it premiered in the US in 2018, now's the perfect time to check it off your Jackie Chan movie bucket list. And don't be put off by the fact that the film didn't exactly do well with critics. This one may not have broad appeal, but it will likely be a thrill for those who know and love Chan's particular style of movie.

Bleeding Steel is a goofy action flick with some noteworthy set pieces

The majority of critics may not have found much to recommend in "Bleeding Steel," but a few did see the movie as a fun and frivolous romp that will be enjoyed by those who know what to expect.

Writing for Variety, Maggie Lee called the cyberpunk elements "corny" and noted that some of Chan's stunt work lacked "the sense of risk" of his previous efforts. However, for all its flaws, she ultimately concluded, "the film features all the zesty fights, slick effects and goofy slapstick one expects from a Jackie Chan family movie ..."

Clarence Tsui of The Hollywood Reporter wrote, "'Bleeding Steel' is all about old-school thrills, and [director Leo Zhang] has delivered a wide range of them ... with not just one but two crotch-kicking gags thrown in for good measure." For all the flaws he noted in the film ("inconsistent characterizations" and a plot full of "inexplicable turns"), he still felt that "actioners will have a lot to marvel at ..."

Meanwhile, Rob Hunter of Film School Rejects couldn't help but compare "Bleeding Steel" to previous Chan vehicles. Does it compare? Not in his estimation, however, he still said that the movie is "most certainly inane and incomprehensible [but] it's also... a little bit fun?"

If you're in the mood for some goofy thrills you can check out "Bleeding Steel" on Amazon Prime.