Matthew Lillard's Emotional Fan Moment That Has People Talking

Celebrity interactions tend to vary, especially at fan conventions. Sometimes, waiting in line to meet a guest celeb can take hours, and it helps if the experience is truly worth it. Many celebs are friendly, kind, and willing to make sure that your selfie with them turns out perfect. Unfortunately, others may be having a bad day, and they make it seem like they just don't want to be there. 

Once in a while, a story about a celebrity encounter will warm fans' hearts and earn them a newfound admiration. One such story was posted on the ScareFest! Group's Facebook page and tells about an emotional moment between a fan and actor Matthew Lillard. The ScareFest convention celebrates all things "horror and paranormal" and takes place annually in Lexington, Kentucky. Being an alum of several spook-filled films, including the "Scream" and "Scooby-Doo" movie franchises, Lillard has no doubt picked up a fanbase of die-hard scare fans. The tale of Lillard's interaction with one particular fan has the internet singing the praises of the veteran actor.

Matthew Lillard hugged it out with a fan

In a post shared on ScareFest's Facebook group, an uncredited photo shows an emotional moment between Matthew Lillard and a young fan. The two can be seen hugging, and a caption which accompanies the photo reads: "I have to state a really awesome story, Matt Lillard was a Class act, He not only stayed all three [days] for his fans but he took time to get to know them, When I was in line [one] fan broke down and cried when he [saw] him and Matt hugged him for about 2 to 3 [minutes] while he cried, He didn't rush him and he stayed silent as did the line, After the fan walked away, Matt patted his heart, also I [saw] him [use] sign language to talk with a few people that guy was amazing... Kudos."

Reactions to the story and the photo were nearly unanimous in their love and appreciation for Lillard, some corroborating the actor's generous spirit in the comments. "I have met him twice; both times he was very genuine," stated Facebook user Susan Johnstone. "He's a great guy for sure," said Calypso Clownn, with Stan Reid chiming in, "One of the nicest people that you will ever meet."

It's always refreshing to hear when a celebrity demonstrates a genuine act of kindness, rather than using their star status as an excuse to be standoffish — or worse. Lillard appears to be one of the good guys, and for that, he deserves some recognition.