This Is Where Netflix's Ragnarok Was Filmed

Whether you've been tracking Netflix's international shows or not, the fact is that the streamer has become one of the premiere outlets for such series, as of late. Even if you haven't been following this development, you've likely at least heard about their latest Norwegian import "Ragnarok," because it made serious waves when it premiered on Netflix in 2020. 

Those waves were well-earned, too, as "Ragnarok" put an intriguingly modern spin on classic Norse mythology. It does so by positing a pair of Norwegian teens (David Stackston and Jonas Strand Gravli) as the reincarnations of Thor and his mischief-making brother Loki, respectively, and dropping them into a pseudo super-powered climate change battle for the ages.

That battle is set almost entirely in the idyllic port town of Edda, Norway, whose lush mountain landscapes and gorgeous fjord-side vistas are nearly impossible to rival in terms of natural beauty. So much so that some diehard fans of "Ragnarok" might be tempted book a trip to Norway to see them for themselves. 

There's just one problem: Edda, Norway is not a real town. However, you will be happy to know that the picturesque village you see in "Ragnarok" is indeed a real place. And yes, you can visit if you so desire. Here's where Netflix's "Ragnarok" is filmed. 

Ragnarok is about as authentically Norwegian as a project can get

If you are looking to book a ticket to Norway and get a taste of the fjord life, you'll want to make sure to book it for Odda, Norway instead of Edda, because that's where the show is filmed (via Atlas of Wonders). And while the clear ode to Odda is obvious in the naming of the series' central town, one sort of has to wonder why they'd make so subtle a change at all, given the series' penchant for blending realism with its more fantastical elements.

Either way, "Ragnarok" fans can no doubt attest that Odda makes for a suitably fantastical locale in its own right, with its stark natural vistas casting a surrealistic spell over the epic action. If the folks at Atlas of Wonders are to be believed, the series' production team has done little to bolster the beauty of Odda's landscape via special effects, as the city doesn't really need any enhancing. Heck, even the stunning Trolltunga tongue which has featured prominently in the series is a real location. You can actually hike up to it if you so desire.

According to the same site, though, there was sadly one location digitally inserted into Odda for "Ragnarok," and that's the ominous old Jutul mansion overlooking the valley. Turns out there is actually a building in that location, but the apartment complex occupying the spot didn't boast the old-school Dragestil architecture series producers desired. But hey, as far as digital enhancements go, this one was well worth such dramatic measures.