What Is The Song In The Amazon Prime Grocery Delivery Commercial?

Since its beginnings in 1995, Amazon has grown from an online book-selling website to a mega-conglomerate that provides an array of services. While customers can still purchase books from the site, the company has expanded to include web services and a streaming service with a number of original movies and TV shows, such as "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," "Tom Clancy's Without Remorse," and "The Boys." Another expansion of the company happened in 2017, when they bought the supermarket chain Whole Foods, adding grocery delivery to their available services.

It is this aspect of the company that Amazon highlighted in their latest commercial. Enticing their customers to sign up to Amazon Prime, the company's subscription service, the commercial pans across a tableau of a dinner party, highlighting the items being served and passed among the guests that are part of Amazon Prime's two-hour grocery delivery program. It ends with a shot of a girl under the table, caught by her mother in the act of digging into a cake. Throughout it all, the song that's playing adds a sense of playfulness and fun to the ad, making it an essential aspect without which it would not work.

This is the song that plays in the Amazon Prime grocery delivery commercial.

The song comes from a music legend

The song is called "It Wasn't Me," and it comes from rock 'n' roll pioneer Chuck Berry. Berry wrote both the lyrics and music for the song, which is the first track listed in Berry's ninth studio album, titled "Fresh Berry's." The record was released in the U.S. in April 1966, and in addition to singing on the song, Berry also plays the guitar.

Berry had a prolific music career, earning the title of "Father of Rock 'n' Roll." His first studio album, titled "After School Session," was released in 1957, and was the beginning of a career that saw him release 20 studio albums in total, along with 10 live albums, with an 11th being released after his death in 2017. 1979's "Rock It" was his last studio album for a few decades until he released "Chuck" in 2017, the same year of his passing. On "Chuck," Berry was joined by his children Ingrid and Charles Berry Jr., who played backing instruments for his songs. But Berry's most well-known song is "Johnny B. Goode," which was released in 1958 and was on the B-side to his single "Around and Around." "Johnny B. Goode" is best known for being the song Michael J. Fox's Marty McFly plays with the band at the school dance in the 1985 movie "Back To The Future."

With his extensive discography and legendary status, people are sure to hear more of Berry's music in future commercials.