The Movie Like Breaking In That Thriller Fans Need To See

Thrillers are always tenser when they're confined to a small space. With nowhere to go and nobody to help, it's a battle of wits between the goodies and the baddies. 2018's "Breaking In" stars Gabrielle Union as a goodie working to save her family from a team of baddies. Shaun Russell (Union) has brought her family to her father's remote estate, intending to sell it and move on with her life after his murder. Unbeknownst to her, a squad of burglars is already in the house trying to get the $4 million hidden inside.

"Twilight" star Billy Burke stars opposite Union in "Breaking In." In the "Twilight" series, he plays everyone's favorite dad/cop, while in this movie he's on the other side of the law. His criminal subordinates are played by "Mayans" star Richard Cabral, "The 100" star Levi Meaden, and Australian soap star Mark Furze. Fans enjoyed Union's performance as a woman driven to protect her family at any cost. But there are other locked house movies to watch if you want more of the same action.

The People Under the Stairs locks you in a house of horrors

Horror impresario Wes Craven had a lot of fun with "The People Under the Stairs." Unlike "Breaking In," it's told from the perspective of the home invader. Poindexter "Fool" Williams ("Mighty Ducks" star Brandon Adams) breaks into the home of his cruel landlords, played by "Twin Peaks" stars Everett McGill and Wendy Robie. Fool is about to be evicted, and his mother needs surgery, so he and his friends decide to rob their corrupt landlords. Fool discovers that, aside from being shady businesspeople, the Robesons are also incestuous cannibals. Fool has to escape their house of horror – as well as save the children the Robesons have kidnapped, the titular people under the stairs.

Fans love "The People Under the Stairs" for its scares, as well as its class and race commentary. The film calls out people who exploit the oppressed to gain wealth. The AV Club called it a "timeless American nightmare," writing that "while the movie's Mommy and Daddy come across as buffoons, Craven never wants to let his audience forget that they're doing actual harm."