Is Ryan Guzman Actually Leaving 9-1-1?

Warning: this article contains spoilers for "9-1-1" Season 4 Episode 13, "Suspicion."

Fans of the Fox action drama "9-1-1" have one question, and one question only, after seeing how the May 17th episode of the show went down — put bluntly, is Eddie Diaz (played by Ryan Guzman) dead, or not?

It's the kind of question fans are forced to ask when a character is shot onscreen by a sniper and left in a bloody heap, after all. Watching Diaz' co-workers at the 118 scramble to save him, only to fall short, further adds to the tension of the moment, and only raises more questions about what, exactly, will come next. Luckily for those who are devoted to the show, the episode in which this occurred was not the season finale, so we should all get some kind of clue, at least, as to whether or not Diaz dies next week. 

However, what if you don't want to wait? And if Diaz does die, does that mean that Guzman, as well, is gone for good? Could there be some behind-the-scenes scoop that would make it clear, one way or the other? 

Sorry, but you're gonna have to stay in limbo for a little while longer, 9-1-1 fans

For now, we'll have to just call it a toss-up. At the moment, there's no definite sign Guzman is leaving the show, but the lack of public information on the matter is no indication of whether or not Diaz is alive. For now, there is only one thing that we can confirm for fans of the show, and that's the fact that both Guzman and Eddie are definitely in the cast for the next episode, entitled "Survivors." Does this title bode well for the character? Perhaps.

Meanwhile, the cast is carefully keeping word about Eddie's survival — or lack thereof — under wraps. Actor Peter Krause, who portrays Bobby on the show, was notably mum when asked about the subject in a postmortem interview by TV Insider.

"I can't say," Krause said, when questioned about Eddie's survival by the TV Insider reporter. "But I can say that the finale episode is action-packed and that the sniper is not stopped before he inflicts more damage."

In a promo teaser released by Fox, Diaz is seen to be wide-eyed, looking quite lifeless, as someone frantically unbuttons his shirt. Meanwhile, his son Christopher (Gavin McHugh) is counseled by Buck (Oliver Stark) that "(His) dad is not coming home tonight." The insinuation here is pretty clear, but given the way that advertisements go, it could either be false direction, or a warning as to what's ahead. There's really no telling. 

Either way, the show was renewed for a fifth season on May 17th, so the show will go on — with or without the brave young firefighter.