The Ending Of Castlevania Season 4 Explained

The fourth and final season of "Castlevania" has landed on Netflix, bringing the adventures of Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, and Alucard to an end. The intrepid heroes have been pitted against just about everything — from vampires and night creatures to mad priests and traitorous killers — yet they have managed to overcome each of these obstacles and somehow come out all the stronger. Just when fans thought that things couldn't get any crazier, the final season has the team going up against their greatest foes yet.

In the fourth season, Carmilla is joined by her "sisters" — Striga, Lenore, and Morana — in a grand scheme to conquer the world. However, the mad vampiress isn't the only danger our heroes have to contend with — factions across the continent are attempting to resurrect Dracula from the depths of Hell, in order to continue his goal for the destruction of all mankind. Besides the main three protagonists, there are also the fates of Isaac and Hector to wrap up. 

Minds are changed, goals are reassessed, and in the end ... humanity stands triumphant against the darkness.

What happens to Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard

The climax of "Castlevania" Season 4 has Trevor and Sypha traveling through a magic mirror into Dracula's castle, and right in the midst of a heavy battle. The two are reunited with Alucard, who is protecting the castle from an attack by vampires and night creatures. But this hellish army is the least of their problems. High in the castle tower, an evil ritual is taking place which could succeed in destroying all of humanity.

The alchemist St. Germaine, who assisted Sypha and Trevor in the previous season, has become obsessed with creating a creature known as a Rebis: an unholy demon which contains the souls of a man and a woman. St. Germaine plans on using the souls of Dracula and Lisa to bring the horrifying monster to life, but little does he know that a vampire called Varney has other plans for the monster. 

The trio arrive just in time to put a stop to St. Germaine's activities, but find an even more deadly obstacle in its place. A demon called Death has been influencing the alchemist all along, and now it has focused its attention on destroying Belmont and his friends. In an uncharacteristic display of heroism, Trevor takes the evil spirit on solo in one of the most epic battles of the entire series.

By the end of "Castlevania" Season 4, viewers can see how the heroes have evolved since the beginning of the series. Trevor Belmont, once a lonely cynic who would rather drink himself into oblivion than put his life on the line for others, is now willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for those he loves. The son of the vampire king and a human woman, Alucard had resigned himself to a life of loneliness and self-hatred — yet by the series' end, he has come to know the virtues of love, trust, and friendship. As for Sypha, her experiences have made her a truly powerful magician with a kind heart. And, thanks to Trevor's influence, she has a rich library of curse words to add to her vocabulary.

What happens to Isaac and Hector

In the castle of Styria, Carmilla's plan to herd the humans of western Europe is well under way, but her ambitions have become much more grandiose, bordering on the insane. Even Lenore, Striga, and Morana have begun to question whether there will ever be an end to their sister's scheming. Meanwhile, Hector the Forgemaster has been turned into a slave of the sisters and forced to create an army of night creatures. Though he has fallen for Lenore — the devious vampire sister who betrayed him — Hector still has a few tricks up his sleeve.

Once a loyal follower of Dracula, the Forgemaster Isaac has focused purely on getting vengeance for the betrayal of his master. Isaac finally meets his goal when his army of night creatures attack Styria castle, and Isaac puts an end to Carmilla once and for all. However, when Isaac comes face to face with the traitorous Hector, his need for revenge against his former friend has abated. While he once had a hatred for all mankind, including himself, Isaac no longer feels that humanity deserves to be wiped from the earth. In fact, he is hopeful for their future.

Now freed from the sisters' influence, Hector also has a new outlook on life. His guilt over his betrayal of Dracula had him believing that his only penance was death, but because of Isaac's mercy, Hector hopes to find redemption in other ways. During a philosophical conversation with Lenore, the two discuss the main differences between strength and power: one of them is a virtue, the other a dangerous motivator. Hector has shown enormous strength through the trials he has suffered, and plans to use it to correct the mistakes he has made.