The Strange Reason My 600-Lb Life's Dr. Now Was Being Trolled On Socials

For every episode of "My 600-Lb Life," viewers follow a different individual who's suffering from morbid obesity. That medical condition is often compounded by other health problems, both physical and mental, and they hope to lose enough weight over the course of their time being filmed to qualify for gastric surgery. Not only do they have to confront a new diet and exercise regimen, but they often have to deal with other issues they're facing at home, from enabling partners to lack of transportation to go to the doctor's office. 

While the subjects may change from one episode to the next, the doctor at the center of all of it remains constant. That would be Dr. Now, who's been with the series across all nine of its seasons so far. He's been consistent over the years, insisting people who want to lose weight follow his strict diet regimen. He's not afraid of showing a little tough love when someone fails to lose enough weight over the course of several months (or, heaven forbid, gain weight). That kind of straight talk has led to plenty of successes over the years, such as Brandon Scott, who's lost hundreds of pounds since appearing on the show. 

However, patients aren't the only ones who occasionally make mistakes. Back in March 2021, Dr. Now himself made an error on social media that plenty of people were quick to call him out on.

Dr. Now misspelled 'doctor' as 'docter' on Instagram

You never want to see the words "doctor" and "mistake" in the same sentence. Fortunately, Dr. Now's error has nothing to do with medical malpractice and everything with him being a little too quick to hit "Submit" on a post on Instagram. On March 30, 2021, Dr. Now posted a selfie in honor of National Doctors' Day, but he accompanied the post with the following message, "Happy national Docters day #" (via TV Shows Ace). Doctors are known for their messy handwriting, but you kind of hope they at least take their time when typing something out.

There are a couple noteworthy errors in the post, most obviously with the misspelling of "Doctors." There also needs to be a possessive apostrophe after "Doctors," and there's the little matter of the hashtag with nothing after it at the end. People were quick to jump on the mistake, with comments like, "How could a doctor spell doctor the wrong way?" cropping up. Of course, the medical professional had plenty of people in his corner, with fans coming to his defense, responding, "because he is awesome and doesn't need your approval" and "because he's human an allowed to make mistakes."

Of course, if you go to Dr. Now's Instagram at this point in time, you won't find the error. It looks like he made a correction so that the post now reads, "Happy national #doctorsday." Ultimately, as long as he's spelling everything correctly when it comes to the patients' paperwork, it's all water under the bridge.